Hello, Taiwan/哩厚,歹丸 | 3.14 at 1a space (HK)

Taiwan is experiencing a wave of social and political change. People are beginning to relate to the happenings all around and in the world: we are aware, and we are involved. Among the general public forms an overall sentiment that recognizes the power of connection, participation, and independent thinking. How do artists, a particularly observant and sensitive breed, and more specifically, emerging artists, ones who hailed from the seemingly peaceful era constructed by sugarcoated gun barrels, respond to this surge of transformation?
“Hello, Taiwan” invites young Taiwanese artist Pei-Hsuan Wang, and Bamboo Curtain Studio Marketing Manager Bess Lee to talk about art in contemporary Taiwan. What perspectives do emerging artists share, how are works developed in a time of rapid change, and what roles do artist collectives, new or established, play in the visual art world in Taiwan?
Pei-Hsuan Wang
WANG Pei-Hsuan was born in Hsinchu City, Taiwan. She received her BA from Macalester College, MN, USA and her MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art, MI, USA. She will be conducting a new project on ethnicity and space at the Chungking Mansions in March, 2015 as a resident artist in 1a Space, Hong Kong. (Pei-Hsuan Wang's residency is sponsored by 1a space.)
Bess Lee
Marketing & Communication Manager of Bamboo Curtain Studio, Project Manager of Arts Residency Network.
Arts Residency Network