Trainer course for Plum Tree Creek guide

We encourage local residents to participate in the course to become trainers of Plum Tree Creek so as to act as guides in future to introduce the farming and creek environment around Plum Tree Creek to neighbors and visitors alike and its special living style. The course will start from 7 August; please join us!
Mr. CHEN, Chien-Chi, Green Citizen’s Action Alliance
Mr. CHEN, Chien-Hsin, Specialist of Plum Tree Creek
Mr. LIN, Po-Chang, Taiwan Insect Ecology Conservation Association ( TIECA)
Class Dates
Due to typhoon, class dates were re-scheduled
From Downstream to upstream by CHEN, Chien-Hsin
The ecology and agriculture of the bayou; water-saving and pollution, by CHEN, Chien-Chi
Butterfly flies, Grasshopper hops, Plum Tree Creek from insects’ ecology, by LIN, Po-Chang
Demonstration: 8/18 (Sat)
Acceptance Check: 8/25
Note: Limitation of participants: 30
class room of Community Centre, Gua Ha Ji Pin building,
Zhuwei, New Taipei City, Taiwan
02-88093809 | 02-28081465