
Artist Talk:管子綠像-再生萬花筒攝影濾鏡 Vcyclescope-Recycle (Upcycle) Kaleidoscope Filter

2016-10-24 19:30   through   00:00 Add to Google Calendar
106 Taipei City大安區建國南路一段160號7樓

藝術家 Artist:Veron Sung
時間 Time:2016.10.24 Mon. 19:30
地點 Venue:在地實驗計劃論壇 Etat Forum(106 台北市大安區建國南路一段160號七樓
7F, No.160, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd., Daan Dist., 106 Taipei City, Taiwan)

管子綠像與升級回收 About Vcyclescope and Upcycle



The definition of “garbage” is “something useless”. However, it’s pretty subjective to define an object to be useful or useless. Waste paper can be recycled, or sent to a further step : Upcycle, to recreate the old stuff into a new one with much more value. Every single object keeps it’s own characteristic, and every single characteristic is useful. To dig out the feature and give it a new life is what artists do.

Vcyclescope is an upcycle photographic gadget handmade with waste: paper core of toilet roll, kitchen paper, cling film… It reduces waste from its source. Each kaleidoscope is unique with decoration by recycle materials (old newspaper, magazine, catalogue, leaflet, packaging ribbon…). Both its function and aesthetic quality are upgraded from its original value. The world seen through it is very different. Which became beautiful, surreal and amazing. Whatever you capture through it can become artistic pattern. Even though the dullest thing in your daily life can be turned into inspiring images. Life will never be boring with it!

Veron Sung

Veron Sung(阿V)為跨媒體攝影藝術家,V工作室創辦人。留學英法,獲取獎學金後,並名列院長榮譽錄。曾於七個國家生活及工作,拍攝過四十多個國家。阿V具豐富商業及藝術攝影經驗,曾受聘於多家國際企業,如Cosmopolitan、 Bazaar及Kodak。她積極推動攝影跨媒體藝術的發展、教育及籌辦有關展覽。她以攝影作文化保存、環保推廣、心理輔導、企業員工培育課程、團隊訓練、品牌推廣、教育、慈善社福活動、個人潛能發展等。作品於多國獲獎,並於澳紐英法韓中港澳台展出。她多元化地運用照片於意想不到的媒介上(雕塑、模型、畫、玩具…...),突破2D的限制,無限量擴大相片分享的形式,加添相片的實用性,令攝影滲透到生活的每一角落,促成藝術生活化。創作理念融合環保、文化傳承、攝影及設計元素。作品範疇包括從傳統人手上色相片發展成的相片繪畫、升級轉型環保管子綠像萬花筒攝影、3D相片、相片設計的時裝、首飾、家具等。2016年,阿V受邀成為竹圍工作室與紅門畫廊合作「國際藝術進駐交換計畫」獲選藝術家,自9月26日起至竹圍工作室駐村一個月。

Veron Sung is a Photo-based Cross-disciplinary Artist, founder of Veron Sung Studio who was educated in France and UK with scholarship and was named on the Faculty Dean’s Honours List. She then worked in London, Sydney, Auckland, Bali and now Hong Kong. Her works were exhibited and awarded numerously in Asia, Oceanic and Europe. She has photographed over 40 countries. She taught in universities and was employed by Kodak, Cosmopolitan and Bazaar international acclaimed magazines. She challenges the border of photography, examines the application of photography in different art forms/mediums, extends the showcase of photography and integrates photo appreciation into daily life activities. She immerses art into lifestyle. Her photos are beyond 2D and have practical function. There are wearable and useable photo works. Whoever and whenever encounter her, even just pass by, can see her work organically and hence become their daily lives too. Many cross-media photo-base artworks are created. They include a modern twist of hand-coloring photos, an intangible cultural heritage, which became photo crossover painting; Upcycled Vcyclescope Kaleidoscope for photo shooting; 3D fotomo; photo designed homeware, fashion, accessories, and photo sculpture, to name but a few.

106 Taipei City大安區建國南路一段160號7樓
Phone: 02-2778-9268
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