Exhibition: AIR- Artist in Residency

The founder and director of the Bamboo Curtain Studio, Margaret Shiu, discovered her true professional calling in arts while she was in residency. If you want to give it a try but don’t know where to start, we encourage you to visit the exhibition—AIR, the journey of Artists’ mind.
Culture of antique ceramic beads, Paiwan
Wu Shu-Lun has been conducting research in Paiwan culture for a long time. The topic of her MA dissertation is about traditional glass beads of Paiwan. Let us use every bead that is filled with aesthetics and culture to enjoy a feast of Paiwan culture.
Workshop: Process of Body Stencil
Arya Pandjalu wants everyone to apply the concepts of “ pre-historical cave painting” and stencil the shapes of our bodies onto the paper. By using a piece of fabric and scissors, our body will become more moving and delicate than the written word.
Children’s Art Workshop Report
Nan See invited the children to introduce their works one by one. Some kids were too shy to express themselves but their works were excellent and very imaginative. We hope this workshop encouraged the interaction between parents and kids with lasting memories.
Trainer course for Plum Tree Creek guide
We encourage local residents to participate in the course to become trainers of Plum Tree Creek so as to act as guides in future to introduce the farming and creek environment around Plum Tree Creek to neighbors and visitors alike and its special living style.
Bamboo Curtain Studio - Space Rental
Discounts are provided to arts groups, students, artists resident in the Tamsui area, and former resident artists. For more information, please contact Lana Hsieh at +886288093809.
Visual Art | Indonesia His work focuses on social and personal storytelling through installation, printmaking, painting, sculpture and performance.
Visual Arts, Crafts | Taiwan
She has been conducting research in Paiwan culture for a long time, and has curated several exhibitions related to the introduction of traditional Paiwan glass beads in Taitung.
Visual Arts | USA
Adam Avikainen has traveled extensively and showed his work worldwide. This year, he has been invited by the 2012 Taipei Biennale. To prepare his work, he will be staying at Bamboo Curtain Studio, Taiwan.
More information form BCS!