
Happy new year and new announcement from Bamboo Curtain Studio!

Studio News


Dear friends and colleagues of BCS

It is time to wish everyone a great year 2015.

We are happy to say we at Bamboo Curtain Studio had a good year. It is with much pride that we can see a new movement ahead for many in Taipei, and in Taiwan, for the coming year. Thus this is the best time for reconnection and put new culture actions into reality. New opportunities lies ahead in many fields.

Our Bamboo Curtain Studio is also going through some transformation. After a restructuring of five months, we wish to announce that we have now invite Ms Iris Hung to be the Managing Director of Bamboo Curtain Studio. With a solid background in customer relationship management in private sector and culture management training in Goldsmith London, she is well equipped and enthusiastic about working with diverse talents, and experiential art projects. We sincerely hope that you will connect with her, and share your views and resources, especially now, as we go through the planning for 2015 where we will be celebrating our 20th Anniversary in May!

It is thus most timely for me and Catherine Lee, to ease off our role and pass on to her team, as they now work hard and fast on our new interconnected 2015 motto of "Share: Connect: Co-create".

I sincerely thank Catherine Lee, my Assistant Director, who has been my right hand in so many ways. In the past two years with great effort, she held steadfast to our vision and mission. She did so well, not only did she re-balanced our books, she was able to find fresh resources to serve creative talents and professionals in other sectors, for diverse contributions to society. She now wishes to be our Research and Development Director, as she intends to venture into further research in various fields, to find pathways and alternative models of sustainable management of culture organizations. We have much anticipation for that outcome, and if you do have best practices that we can learn from, please let her know.

In the past 20 years, I witnessed a total change in the culture landscape of a whole new generation of artists facing different needs and challenges; seeing that trend, I need to plan ahead on the formation of an independent board of management from a diverse background to give concrete advice and support to our Managing Director for best services to meet those needs.

As for myself, after 20 years of starting up of our BCS, I wish to continue in my research of culture polices and make a summary of what we have seen in the past 20 years of culture exchange in Taipei, and also Taiwan, through a local and global perspective. I want also to retreat to the back burner, and heed my inner calling of art making again, back to the source which have given me so much joy and satisfaction.  Thus I will, in the new year, only be the artistic director of Bamboo Curtain Studio.

There have been almost 200 artists, local and international, who have come through the gate of our chicken farm in the past 20 years. We are looking forward to your input on how to celebrate it and have a real fun day ! We wish to continue with that spirit and carried on with fruitful events throughout the year, so as to truly welcome the beginning of a new era.

We look forward to meeting you all at our reunion party! Stay tuned on our FB and website! Please tell your friends too!

We sincerely thank you for your years of sharing with us.

with much love and appreciation from
Margaret together with Catherine, Iris and her team, plus interns and volunteers.

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