斯凱島(Isle of Skye)是蘇格蘭內赫布里底群島最大也是最北的島嶼,主要的產業為旅遊業、農業、漁業和威士忌釀造。島上30%人口使用蓋爾語。斯凱島最大的鎮是波特里(Portree)。斯凱島歸高地行政區管轄,如今通過斯凱橋和大不列顛島相連。斯凱島的特色包括迷人的自然風景、豐富的文化和遺迹、大量的野生動物,其中包括金雕、馬鹿和大西洋鮭。(以上介紹參考維基百科)
這個駐村機會是由Jon Schueler Scholarship所提供,非常適合進行地景與環境藝術的視覺藝術家申請,獲選的藝術家將能夠駐村三個月,盡享斯利特海湾(Sound of Sleat)的美景。
去年獲選的日本藝術家Takeshi Shikama有寫下他的感想:
“Since coming to Skye I have been fascinated with the sky, especially the dramatic cloudscapes. It is a completely new experience for me to photograph in a landscape where the winds vary so much from day to day. This has had a huge influence on my work. I started to make my prints using the actual light, outside, rather than a chemical light in the studio which until now had been my usual practice. I am so grateful to be given this opportunity of discovery, that has opened my eyes to a new way of looking. I will treasure this experience. It will remain with me and influence my work for the rest of my life.” – Takeshi Shikama