騆瑜 Jhou Yu

騆瑜 Jhou Yu
I release myself in repeated performance, by self-archiving, through the becoming of the archives, repeat and hyperplasia of symbol, trying to do translation to the necessary stimulation of life. To do something to shape a kind of withdrawal meaning, deconstruction the origin of the meaning in the process of diffusion, the meaning generate, escape, random, messy, weaving conversion and disappear, in the vicinity of infinite extreme state to escape from the control of the meaning system.
Artist Jhou-Yu, 1990 born in Taiwan, now Lives & works in Taipei. Jhou-Yu’s creations mostly take conceptual art as main body, whose materials include performance art, mixed media, and site-specific installation……etc. Recently concerns about issue of language sign with archive, to explore the possibility of the Taiwanese modern colony operating beyond bio-politics. Exhibition include Infinity Archives, Jhouyu Solo Exhibition in Taipei Fine Arts Museum and Day Light, Jhouyu Solo Exhibition in Taipei Artist Village-Treasure Hill. In early 2017, Jhou-Yu was selected as the selected artist of “International Residency Exchange Program” between Bamboo Curtain Studio and TIFA Working Studios, and invited to stay in Pune, India for 1-month-residency since 3rd of February.
Collaborative Organization
TIFA Working Studios
Works in residency
──駐村心得── 2017年至印度 TIFA Working Studio 駐村
2017年2月,在竹圍工作室的推薦,我至印度TIFA駐村;期間發展出藝術計畫《零點》,零點是關於「藝術發生」的作品;在1858年到1947間,印度曾被英國殖民,在殖民期間,英國在印度領土的中央設置了「零里石(zero stone)」,用以指標與印度他方的距離,也象徵一切的起點(zero mile of stone)。以此為出發,我在TIFA駐村期間,發表了藝術計畫《零點-宣言》;我欲標示藝術發生的地方,而藝術,也發生在所有地方。在駐村之後,TIFA的創辦人Trishla邀請我在tifa做《零點》這件作品的永久典藏裝置,同時我也帶著這個計畫出發,我要到世界各地,藝術發生的地方、藝術機構、替代空間、場域,以身體碰觸藝術的萌芽零點與標示。
此外,因為印度的廢鈔政策,駐村期間我也延續我個人的創作系列,發表了《Missing 1000 Rupees》與《Making money_#500 Rupees》兩件作品。另外也做了幾場行為表演(《BA》系列),在開放工作室當天發表行為的錄像與裝置;也和一位英國錄像藝術家Samantha Harvey合作,行為表演於他的多件概念錄像作品中發表於開放工作日。
(因為拍攝BA的錄像,毫無來由的,印度警方將我羈押近四個小時,身為女性藝術家,我對印度警方的行為鄭重抗議,Freedom of expression is so important, and the foundation of a happy democracy. For artists, the freedom to express is of course essential, and it is scary to think that here it can be taken away so easily. We were kept in the police station for 4 hours just for one dance sequence on the street. Nothing profane was said or done, so what was achieved? It's a real shame.)
《零點》計畫仍持續進行中!!! <<Zero>> Project is still continue!