Nicolas Bralet
Nicolas Bralet collaborates for several years with LAAB (Associative Laboratory Arts and Botany: With the artist botanist Sabrina Issa and the software engineer ti the CNRS François-David Collin, they develop the creation: "Sound room for rise of sap". They use via the computing and specific sensor, the indications on the speed of sap.
Claude Aymon
Born in Marseilles in Southern France, Claude Aymon’s family emigrated from South America’s ancient French colony Guiana (Guyana). Claude Aymon learned the foundations of ballet from Eve Gonnet and Tessa Beaumont of the Paris Opera. He learned jazz dance from renowned European and American choreographers such as Milton Myers (New York), Ramon Oller (Spain), Patrice Valero, Anne-Marie Porras, and Gigi Cacciuleanu (France), among others. Though his main interests are in dancing, Claude Aymon is also an actor and musical performer.