
Marcel Dinahet 馬瑟‧丁那耶 @《城市與河流的交會—竹圍環境藝術節》

Marcel Dinahet 馬瑟‧丁那耶 @《城市與河流的交會—竹圍環境藝術節》


來自法國的馬瑟‧丁那耶所拍攝的是土地、水和空氣相接觸結合的那些邊界,還有岩石和海藻,以及道路、港口和波浪之間的接觸點。丁那耶拍攝的過程並沒有任何期待或目標,他並不是把攝影機當作自己視線的延伸,他一邊跑一邊伸長手臂地舉攝影機、讓它隨著潮流漂浮,或就只是擺著。因此,他所拍攝的影像並沒有被身體水平視線所面對或環繞之對象所限制,這也是為何他的電影如此干擾我們的平衡感。在海岸地區之後,土地的領域結束(finis terrae),丁那耶開始探討其他以水為最重要元素的情境。



Marcel Dinahet

Marcel Dinahet films those fringes where earth, water and air come together and the points of contact rocks and seaweed, between roads, harbors and waves. Marcel Dinahet films without anticipating or aiming. He does not hold his camera out in front of him as the extension of his gaze. Rather, he either runs, swims or floats while holding the camera at arm’s length, or lets it drift with the current or simply lays it down. Consequently, his images are not defined by the verticality of a body looking horizontally at what’s facing it or around it. That is why his films perturb our sense of balance. After shore areas, the land’s ends, or finisterrae, he started exploring other situations where water was a prominent element.

At Chu-Wei, he took images of the Tamshui-River as we can see it, or as it appears to us far away when we are ourselves inside the complexity of our built environment, when we are walking in the streets or under the highways. He will show six videos in six different places from Taipei to Tamshui (in shops, at the Huashan Arts Center, at the Bamboo Curtain Studio). Each video will make us feel our relation to the water and river, our ways to approach it, to see it. His videos done by a body in motion help us to restore the sensuality brought by senses other than our vision.

Courtesy / 資料刊登允許:The Artist
Title Tamshui, son estuaire

