
穀雨是春天的最後一個節氣,殘花將盡、翠苗初長,梅果入口的酸甜滋味同時宣告夏日的來臨。 穀雨二字源於古人所說「雨生百穀」,而又「一樣米養百樣人」,因此孕育出百百種的文化與生命經驗。草木出於土上,即為生,萬物落在泥中的一瞬間,便開始接受大地的滋養,在水成雨、 雨落土、土生穀、穀養人,這樣的一個循環中,人學習飲水而思源、與自然共存,並且以藝術作為媒介串起與大地的情感。


2017-04-29 13:00   至   18:00 加入 Google 行事曆
251 新北市淡水區中正東路二段88巷39號

在這天,竹圍工作室的駐村藝術家滿載著能量,以雙手與自然的連結,賦予創作新的生命,一同來到長期駐村陶藝家陳正勳的大型陶藝工作室一窺究竟、跟著陶藝家張瓊如捏陶品茗,讓茶香洗滌身心,感受手捏陶的溫度、在身聲劇場隨著鼓聲敲擊起舞,用自製祈雨棒迎接穀雨的到來;另外有台灣藝術家李德茂的首次個展、周建邦的柬埔寨Sa Sa Art Projects駐村成果展,也可以參與國際藝術家Alex Nicole及Mushi的肢體互動工作坊,探索人與人之間非語言的原始溝通方式,還有竹圍工作室創辦人蕭麗虹的水果花藝工作坊、藝術家周孟曄的植物敲拓工作坊,以及手抄紙、免費商店、3D列印及木料再生等豐富的活動熱鬧上演。


>> 展覽 Exhibitions <<

>> 特別活動 Special Activities <<

>> 藝術家分享 Artist Talks <<

>> 工作坊 Regular Workshops <<

>> 點選標題可閱讀詳情 Click Title for details <<

>> 2017竹圍工作室春季開放日【穀雨始、萬物生】札記 << 

When the Grain Rain Begins to Fall: Bamboo Curtain Studio Spring Open Day

Grain Rain is the last solar term in the spring, which comes from the old saying of “The rain grows the grains”. At the first moment that the seeds fall into the soil, it starts to receive nourishing from the land, and then a cycle of living begins to take shape. During this cycle, human gradually learns to be grateful for all the blessings of nature, and create artwork as the medium that build up the relationship between human and land.

On this day, the residency artists will present their artworks, full of energy and how they create the connection with nature by hands. Come and drink tea with long-term residency ceramic artists Cheng Hsun, Chen and Joan Chang, playing drums and making rain sticks with Sun Son Theatre to greet the Grain Rain. For visual art exhibition, we have Taiwanese artist De Mao, Li's first video art exhibition, and Chien Pang, Chou's exhibition presenting artwork after the residency in Sa Sa Art Projects, Cambodia. You may also join the Portable Studio hold by our international artists – Alex Nichols and Mushi, to explore the primal way of non-language communication with a new friend. Founder of BCS, Magaret Shiu will teach you how making a floral design with fruit and vegetables; Artist Chou Meng Yeh will show you how making the plant dyeing. Besides, we also have many eco-friendly workshops such as hand-made paper, free shop, screen printing and 3D printing waste up-cycle for you to experience!

This spring, we've derived the vitality and creativity from the Grain Rain, and now is the time for you to come and experience the wonderful season!


::展覽 Exhibitions::(時間Time:13:00-18:00

×陳正勳開放工作室 Chen Cheng Hsun Open Studio×
地點 Venue:陳正勳工作室
Chen Cheng Hsun Ceramic Art Studio

×張瓊如陶藝個展 Joan Chang Ceramic Art Exhibition×
地點 Venue:落果玻璃屋 Glass Room II

×李德茂個展 Te-Mao Lee Solo Exhibition×
地點 Venue:十二柱 The Twelve Bamboos

×移動中的相互凝視-周建邦柬埔寨Sa Sa Art Project駐村成果展 The Mutual Gazing During Moving-Chou Chien Pang Solo Exhibition ×
地點 Venue:培養皿 The Incubator

×樹梅坑溪常設展 Plum Tree Creek Permanent Exhibition×
地點 Venue:花開玻璃屋 Glass Room I


::活動 Activities::

×創意蔬果花藝設計工作坊 Creative Vegetable Floral Design Workshop×
時間 Time:15:00-17:00
地點 Venue:果醬花園 Jam Garden
資訊 Info:NTD$500/每人 ppl
※ 本活動須報名,請點此

×走村中,請稍候:活動定時園區導覽 BCS Tour×
時間 Time:15:30
地點 Venue:全園區 BCS Area
資訊 Info:約四十分鐘 About 40 mins

×穀雨吃什麼?伊朗特色餐點販售中! Enjoy the Iranian cuisine in Grain Rain×
時間 Time:17:00-18:30
地點 Venue:小客廳-藍花咖啡 The Living Room- Blue Hydrangea

::藝術家分享 Artist Talk::

×行進中的各類關係:台灣/國際藝術家座談會 The Ongoing Relationships: Taiwan/International Artist Talk×
時間 Time:
17:00-17:20 Mushi&Alex Nichols
17:20-17:40 Ismaila Badjie
17:40-18:00 周建邦 Chou Chien Pang
18:00-18:20 李德茂Li Te Mao
18:20-18:30 問答時間 Q/A Time
地點 Venue:買杯My Cup

×由土而生-Ismaila Badjie戶外土牆成果展 Comes From Soil – Ismalia Badjie Sustainable Wall Presentation×
地點 Venue:果醬花園 Jam Garden


::工作坊 Workshops::隨時加入!Join it anytime during 13:00-18:00

×絹印體驗工作坊 Screen Printing Workshop×
地點 Venue:十二柱外迴廊 Corridor Outside 12 Bamboos
製作時間 Time:10-15分鐘mins(每樣限印一個圖案)
價格 Price:
手帕 Handkerchief  NTD$100/條each
提袋 Bag  NTD$200/個each
T-shirt NTD$350/件each
自備布料 Prepare Fabric by Yourself NTD$50/件each

×手抄紙體驗工作坊 Hand Made Paper Workshop×
地點 Venue:買杯 My Cup
製作時間 Time:5-7分鐘mins
價格 Price:免費體驗 Free!

×植物採集敲拓工作坊-藝術家周孟曄 Plant Dyeing Workshop ×
地點 Venue:辦公室外牆 Outside Office
製作時間 Time:20-30分鐘mins

×小廢料的春天-3D列印+回收材料工作坊 3D Printing Reused Material Workshop×
地點 Venue:文件廣場 The Document Plaza

×國際藝術家Alex&Mushi肢體工作坊 Portable Studio by Alex & Mushi×
時間 Time:14:00 - 16:00
地點 Venue:文件廣場 The Document Plaza
體驗時間 Time:5-10分鐘 mins

×免費商店 Free Shop×
地點 Venue:小客廳 The Living Room

×祈雨棒工作坊+樂器體驗 Rain Stick DIY Workshop & Ethic Musical Instrument Course×
/ 13:00-18:00 祈雨棒 Rain Stick DIY
/ 15:00-16:00 樂器體驗 Ethic Musical Instrument Course
地點 Venue:身聲劇場 Sun Son Theatre
製作時間 Time:祈雨棒 60-90分鐘 Rain Stick DIY 60-90 mins

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×陳正勳開放工作室 Chen Cheng Hsun Open Studio×


Chen Cheng Hsun is expert in ceramic and clay creation, which are mostly shaped in simple and geometric model with eastern philosophy and tranquil atmosphere.

地點 Venue:陳正勳工作室 Chen Cheng Hsun Ceramic Art Studio
關於陳正勳 About Chen Cheng Hsun

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×張瓊如陶藝個展 Joan Chang Ceramic Art Exhibition×


The grain rain is falling during the midterm of spring and summer.
After the scorching hot day, it rains.
Have some dessert and tea with vessel.
Enjoy the weather no matter how it rains or shines.

地點 Venue:落果玻璃屋 Glass Room II
關於張瓊如 About Joan Chang

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×李德茂個展 Te-Mao Lee Solo Exhibition×


Te-Mao Li will present his first video art project in Bamboo Curtain Studio. With simple composition and time passing, his artwork makes video back to its essence. Come and join us in Bamboo Curtain Studio to rethink our world!

地點 Venue:十二柱 The Twelve Bamboos
關於李德茂 About Te-Mao Lee

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×移動中的相互凝視-周建邦柬埔寨Sa Sa Art Project駐村成果展
The Mutual Gazing During Moving-Chou Chien Pang Solo Exhibition×

周建邦在2016年獲得Sa Sa Art Projects邀請,於同年8~9月赴柬埔寨金邊市駐村創作,並於白色大樓(White Building)內短暫居住。

白色大樓是高棉新建築(Khmer New Architecture)的代表建築之一,最初提供教師住宿的平價住宅,在紅色高棉時期暫時棄置使用。而後又因應國家表演藝術中心的演出人力需求招集表演藝術家入住,但現因為缺乏維修經費,目前已成為金邊著名的貧民區之一,外界亦經常以各種負面標籤來看待白色大樓。然而入住一陣子後,周建邦發現事實並非如此,除社區凝聚力很強,經常性舉辦社區活動外,居民通常有10~20年的居住歷史,累積相當豐富的生活經歷,而且彼此相當熟悉,也對外來的新居民相當友善,充滿人情味。



地點 Venue:培養皿 The Incubator
關於周建邦 About @Pang

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×樹梅坑溪常設展 Plum Tree Creek Permanent Exhibition×





Have you ever thought about where the water comes and goes?

Plum Tree Creek was the crucial water resource for Zhuwei areas in the old days, but everything changed after developing the city.

It goes through the mountains and farm fields, the pig farms and buildings.

This is a story of the shifting of a river and landscape, and a story of how the residents change the way of getting along with the little creek.

地點 Venue:花開玻璃屋 Glass Room I
*本次展示多以文件展出 *documents will be the most part of this exhibition

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×由土而生-Ismaila Badjie戶外土牆成果展 Comes From Soil – Ismalia Badjie Sustainable Wall Presentation×



Rammed-earth building is not only sustainable but also eco-friendly. Africa have rammed-earth building which is similar to rammed-earth house in Taiwan.

Welcome to Bamboo Curtain Studio and see how Ismalia built the Sustainable Wall!

地點 Venue:果醬花園 Jam Garden
關於 About Ismaila Badjie

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×國際藝術家Alex&Mushi肢體工作坊 Portable Studio by Alex & Mushi×


Portable Studio will be held in Bamboo Curtain Studio The Document Plaza! Without touching and talking, how can we communicate with people? We invite you to join us with your friend/lover/family/somebody to break through barriers and create new form of dialogue!

地點 Venue:文件廣場 The Document Plaza
時間 Time:14:00 - 16:00
體驗時間 Time:5-10分鐘 mins

關於 About Alex Nichols and Mushi

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251 新北市淡水區中正東路二段88巷39號