Art News from Margaret Shiu
Art News from Margaret Shiu of BCS #06:Christmas is here and we are ringing in a new decade!
Christmas is here and we are ringing in a new decade! ‘‘Tis the time to be merry! “ But it’s a time for reflection too….while we are having a good time with friends and family over the holidays, I had my moment in transit, from my holiday from Australia to New Zealand with my family.
Art News from Margaret Shiu of BCS #05:Mother nature gave us a twin headed child
Mother nature gave us a twin headed child BCS news 2019 oct 10th
Art News from Margaret Shiu of BCS #04:This summer has been too hot! So who can do something about it?
This summer has been too hot! So who can do something about it? BCS news in Aug 2019
Art News from Margaret Shiu of BCS #03:50 years ago Neil Armstrong took a giant step for mankind !
50 years ago Neil Armstrong took a giant step for mankind ! 50 years later can we all do a small step for this earth? The world was in total euphoria 50 years ago , but what happened in the last 50 years?
Art News from Margaret Shiu of BCS #02:July is time to travel far away from Taipei
July is time to travel far away from Taipei
Art News from Margaret Shiu of BCS #01:Summer time is the great time to cool off inside a museum
【Art News from Margaret Shiu of BCS #01:Summer time is the great time to cool off inside a museum 】 (By Margaret SHIU, Founder of BCS) . Summer is here, this is the best time to try to hit a few museums and stay cool! If you are traveling overseas, then do plan to come back to Taiwan sometime soon. I let you know why. . There are several shows in town that I think is a must see! .