
當一個人或者機構討論永續,需要關注的不僅是環境,而是意識到其本身的核心理念、專業性及所扮演的角色,都影響著永續的可能。 When a person or an institution has a subject matter of sustainability, the environment shouldn’t be the only focus. The awareness within its concept including the core belief, the professionality as well as the interpretation of the role, conforms great effects toward the possibility of sustainability itself.

永續意識的養成遊戲 The Nourishing Game of Sustainability Awareness 工作坊

2018-05-02 13:00   至   2018-05-04 17:30 加入 Google 行事曆

報名費用:NTD $500 
(TASA台灣藝文空間連線成員:NTD $250)

報名截止:2018/4/22 18:00

【 Day I 】 
時間 :5/2(三) 13:30-17:30
地點 : 寶藏巖國際藝術村 

主題一:總監報告 — 藝術進駐研究心得

【 Day II 】
時間:5/3(四) 09:30-20:00
地點 :竹圍工作室 

講者:Sholeh Johnston/The Field 總監

【 Day III 】 
時間 :5/4(五) 09:30-17:30
地點 :台北國際藝術村 

主題三 : 我們是創作者,而非佔有者
講者:Anunta Intra-aksorn/大樹計畫共同創辦人

主題四 : 為何企業永續如此重要
張瑋珊 / 資誠永續發展服務公司經理

〖 注意事項 〗

1. 報名者須可三日全程參與 
2. 工作坊僅於四場主題講座提供中英翻譯 
3. 我們提供活動期間內居住於雙北以外縣市之參與者住宿空間,每間房1-8人不等,因住房有限,由主辦單位統一分配


當一個人或者機構討論永續,需要關注的不僅是環境,而是意識到其本身的核心理念、專業性及所扮演的角色,都影響著永續的可能。意即, 除了檢視與整合機構的硬體設備與軟體資源、推動文化人才的培育以及透析議題的洞察力,還需透過具備流動性與創造力的藝術工作者在外闖蕩升級後為社會及社群加值,建立起良好的循環。



When a person or an institution has a subject matter of sustainability, the environment shouldn’t be the only focus. The awareness within its concept including the core belief, the professionality as well as the interpretation of the role, conforms great effects toward the possibility of sustainability itself. Meaning addition to the inspections and the integrations of both the hardware and software; Giving impetus to cultivating cultural decedents as well as the insight of dialyzing main issues. The Artists, possessing the fluidity and creativity, adds value to the community and the society, in so, builds up a full cycle.

The potential of this very cycle lies in the collaboration and innovation of the interdisciplinary. It incorporates the energy, perspectives and technicalities from various direction, imagining an enriched and better society. What we seek, is to find a method for the Artists or the Organizations to find a sustainable principle beyond the torrent of society, filled with countless environmental problems.

The diversity in discussion and fulfillment is fundamental for a closed-connected society. This next lecture and workshop cuts into four main topics, through accelerating the horizontal via the vertical connection with the artists and non-artists, takes a further step in reflecting the responsibly toward the society that art has taken on. Also, in how we are going to fulfill and pass on the important values. When people realize and recognize the environment they live in and the identity of who they are, every single question, every choice that is made could be exceed to its maximum impact of positivity.
