

7月8日 樹梅坑溪週末小旅行(第四場)

2018-07-08 09:30   至   17:00 加入 Google 行事曆
2018-06-19 00:00   至   2018-07-01 23:59





活動資訊 (For English Information, Please Scroll Down


1. 集合時間:2018年7月8日(週日)上午09:30 捷運復興崗站集合

2. 行程:搭車前往小坪頂→上游野餐趣→吳仔厝→樹梅坑→竹圍社區→竹圍碼頭→竹圍工作室(「為河畫画」展覽

3. 預計結束時間:17:00






1. 請自備午餐,並自備環保杯與餐具,現場將準備茶水供取用。

2. 這次會走很長的路,且部份路段為登山步道,建議穿著長褲,和方便長時間行走的鞋子。

3. 防晒、防蚊、雨具請自備。






1. 點選「立刻報名」按鈕並填妥資料

2. 開放報名時間:即日起至2018年7月01日止

3. 錄取公告:7月2日於官網最新消息與竹圍工作室FB粉專公告錄取名單

4. 行前通知:7月6日將寄發行前通知至報名時填寫之電子信箱

※ 若欲取消報名,請務必主動告知,避免影響後續參與者之報名權益。



1. 「週末小旅行」系列活動基於推廣,原則皆免費參與,但誠摯歡迎參加者自由捐助,經費將納入樹梅坑溪流域守護基金。

2. 本次活動時間與路程較長,將為參加者投保旅遊平安險。

3. 為確實計算本次活動人數,請參加者務必完成報名程序。



若有任何疑問,請聯絡 (02)8809-3809 竹圍工作室 陳小姐

We invite you to join the "Weekend tour on Plum Tree Creek 2018"! Six different events with tour guides who has different kinds of professional abilities about the waterbasin.  

This time (fourth event on 8th, July), the tour guide is Catherine Lee, director of Taipei Artist Village. Catherine was research director of BCS before and participated Plum Tree Creek Action during 2010 to 2011. She will bring us to the very upstream of PTC -- with a small picnic -- then walk from upstream to downstream, where the creek join into Tamshui river. Afterward, go to the exhibition "Observations of the Atypical Taipei: Drawing for the Rivers" in Bamboo Curtain Studio and have a discuss about the impression of water in Taipei with artists.

Time: 8th July, 09:30~17:00

Gathering Point: MRT Fuxinggang station (R23)

Register: Press "立刻報名" (Blue button on the top) and follow the instructions.

Notice: We will enroll insurance for all participants. You should register if you wanna join. 

If you wanna cancel, please contact
Ms. Chen polaris@bambooculture.com, (02)8809-3809

Due date for registering: 1st July, 2018

Announce for participant: 2nd July , 2018

Checklist for participants will be sent on 6th July via Email


【主辦單位 Organizer】樹梅坑溪守護聯盟 Alliance of Plum Tree Creek Guardians

【協辦單位 Co-organizer】台北硬画團隊 Taiing Studio

【行政支援 Administrative Support】竹圍工作室 Bamboo Curtain Studio
