

駐村藝術家李智陽:SEVEN 11藝術工作坊(Jee Yang Lee: SEVEN 11 Workshop)

2015-07-19 14:00   至   16:00 加入 Google 行事曆
2015-07-04 00:00   至   2015-07-16 00:00
251 新北市淡水區自強路58號

關於工作坊 About this workshop

This activity is about getting out of banality. We see things the way we used to see. We use something as we trained or educated even with our own body.  Only using sight, what we see is just an “image”. In the term of “familiarity”, we do not doubt that much about the object even though we see only a part of it because we think that we already know about it from the experience. Then eventually we hardly attempt to see things in other ways.  The ‘image’ is like our attitude towards most of things in everyday life. I am hoping that the whole process of this workshop will lead the participants to see things in various ways and think about how they engage with object even with reality.

工作坊資訊 Infomation

時間 Time:2015年7月19日(日)下午14:00-16:00 | July 19 Sun. 14:00-16:00
地點 Location:福德里里民活動中心(新北市淡水區自強路58號1樓) Fude Village Community Center (1F., No.58, Ziqiang Rd., Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City 251, Taiwan.)
費用 Fee:免費 Free
報名 Reservation:請來電預約或點選下方報名按鈕 Please call us for reservation or sign in below
對象 Participant:適合全家大小一起參加 Suite for the whole family

電話 Telephone:02-8809-3809(陳佩孜 Sandy)
請來電預約或點選下方報名按鈕 Please call us for reservation or sign in below

主辦單位 Organizer:竹圍工作室 Bamboo Curtain Studio
協辦單位 Collaboration:福德里 Fude Village

關於藝術家 About Artist

李智陽 Jee Yang Lee

中文 http://bambooculture.com/residentartist/2291
ENGLISH http://bambooculture.com/en/residentartist/2292



Jee Yang Lee, born in Korea, currently living and working in Seoul Korea. She graduated BA fine art and MA Image and communication at Goldsmiths College in UK. She is the selected artist of the “International Residency Exchange Program” between Bamboo Curtain Studio and Gyeonggi Creation Center, in 2015.

During her stay at BCS and she research on local area and looking into the life and she is to broadly develop her idea further by emphasizing on the psychological topography and features, inner conflicts from the research on people who live and work in particular region.

交通資訊 Direction

地點 Location:福德里里民活動中心(新北市淡水區自強路58號1樓) Fude Village Community Center (1F., No.58, Ziqiang Rd., Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City 251, Taiwan.)
如何抵達 How to get here:
1. 計程車 Taxi:在捷運關渡站2號出口下車,到自強路58號的車程約10分鐘。Take taxi from MRT Guandu Station Exit 2 to No.58, Ziqiang Rd., about 10 mins.
2. 公車 Bus:在捷運關渡站搭乘小23,或在捷運竹圍站搭乘F107或837。Take S23 from MRT Guandu Station Exit 1, or take F107 or 837 from MRT Zhuwei Station.

251 新北市淡水區自強路58號
電話: 02-88093809