MABUHAY! Melting Pot駐村計畫分享會
2015-07-18 14:00
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970 花蓮縣花蓮市光復街65巷5號
Marika Constantino and Anjo Bolarda are hosted by Bamboo Curtain Studio (BCS) to carry out their collaborative project called Melting Pot. Both are founding members of 98B COLLABoratory (98B) in Manila, Philippines.
On July 18, 2015, Saturday, 2PM Marika and Anjo will present the previous editions of Melting Pot. In the process, they hope to convey the concept and goals of the project together with previous encounters and editions in other areas. They will also share some images from the various versions of Melting Pot in Taiwan and summarize the experience thus far. Moreover, they wish to facilitate a freewheeling discussion to get insights and views from the audience and guests.
98B COLLABoratory要到花蓮藝托邦囉!
Marika Constantino和Anjo Bolarda目前受邀駐村於竹圍工作室,為竹圍工作室與菲律賓馬尼拉的98B合作實驗室的國際藝術進駐交換計畫。他們在臺灣各地,以「Meling Pot」計畫結交許多好友,這次也將到花蓮,希望有不同的體驗。
本周六(7.18),Marika與Anjo將會介紹在台灣所做的計畫:當「Melting Pot」從菲律賓到台灣後,產生了什麼樣的變化,並形成怎樣的有趣的對話。「Melting Pot」意旨食材中多種元素的融匯,主人家邀請參與者,帶來不同文化與背景的食材,透過創意發想,和自身的經驗,超越限制所激發出的料理創造力。因此,每次的飯桌上,參與者都將品嘗到預料之外的食物,也看見了不同的文化背景,看似不協調食材,在口中綻放出意外的和諧。
講座當天,除分享在不同地方所做「Melting Pot」的照片和經驗,也希望當天可以形成一種自由對話的氣氛,歡迎大家一起來與藝術家交流。
時間 Date: 7.18 Sat. 14:00-16:00
地點 Venue: 花蓮 藝托邦-藝文空間(Artopia)
地址 Address: 花蓮市光復街65巷5號(No.5, Ln. 65, Guangfu St., Hualien City, Hualien County 970, Taiwan)
970 花蓮縣花蓮市光復街65巷5號