

展覽 Exhibition | 綠色藝術行動:在竹圍×藝術無界 Green Art Action: In ZhuWei × Art No Wall

2015-10-03 09:30   至   2015-10-25 17:00 加入 Google 行事曆
251 新北市淡水區中正路259號

From the river mouth to alleyways, nature and everyday lives inspire and motivate the creation of art and the mobilization of communities. In the Green Art Action exhibition, three topics surrounding Tamsui, Plum Tree Creek, and Zhuwei are discussed- Chapter One: In Zhuwei shares with the public the experiences of community participants, Chapter Two: Art No Wall tells the stories of the river through projects conducted by artists from Thailand and Taiwan about living and the environment.

參觀資訊 Info

地點 Place:淡水海關碼頭,倉庫C(Tamsui Customs Wharf, C Warehouse)
(251 新北市淡水區中正路259號,No.259, Zhongzheng Rd., Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City 251, Taiwan)
展期 Date:2015.10.03-10.25
開幕 Opening:10.04 16:00-18:00
開放時間 Opening Hours:週一至週五 Mon-Fri 09:30-17:00、週六至週日 Sat-Sun 09:30-18:00

參展者:竹圍工作室夥伴們 Partners based on BCS
泰國藝術家與臺灣藝術家 Thai and TW artists:Noppadon Viroonchatapun, Prasit Wichaya, Pin Sasao, Kongkiat Kongchandee, Rinyaphat Nithipattaraahnan, Kongsak Gulglangdon, 林晏竹, 舞蹈生態系創意團隊, 張博涵, 謝思盈

本展覽為「新北市淡水環境藝術節」的一部分。This exhibition is part of New Taipei City Environmental Arts Festival.

致謝 Acknowledgement

主辦單位 Presenter:新北市政府 New Taipei City Government
承辦單位 Curator:新北市政府文化局 Cultural Affairs Department,New Taipei City Government
執行單位 Organizer:新北市淡水區公所 Tamsui District Office, New Taipei City

竹圍工作室「綠色藝術行動」 Bamboo Curtain Studio Green Art Action

指導單位 Supporter:文化部 Ministry Of Culture
執行單位 Organizer:竹圍工作室 Bamboo Curtain Studio
協力單位 Partner:身聲劇場 Sun Son Theatre
贊助單位 Sponsor :荷蘭 DOEN基金會 DOEN Foundation (Arts Collaboratory), 台新銀行文化藝術基金會 Taishin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture

251 新北市淡水區中正路259號
電話: 02-26212830