
竹圍工作室於今年12月13日,將舉辦「亞洲綠色藝術實驗室聯盟–工作坊 Green Art Lab Alliance Asia Talks and Workshop」,邀請八位來自亞洲國家的藝文組織工作者與兩位歐洲研究者分享環境永續的案例以及推廣減碳工具應用。

「亞洲綠色藝術實驗室聯盟」工作坊 Green Art Lab Alliance Asia Talks and Workshop

2015-12-13 13:30   至   18:00 加入 Google 行事曆
2015-11-18 00:00   至   2015-12-11 12:00
106 臺北市大安區建國南路一段177號

Green Art Lab Alliance Asia Talks and Workshop
Dec 13th, Taipei Taiwan

(Please scroll down for English version.)


地點:再生藝術工坊 CRC
地址:空總創新基地 TAF Innovation Base–中山堂(圖書館)(台北市建國南路一段177號)
主辦單位:竹圍工作室 Bamboo Curtain Studio、綠色藝術實驗室聯盟 Green Art Lab Alliance
協辦單位:台灣好基金會 Lovely Taiwan Foundation × 再生藝術工坊 Creative Reuse Center(CRC)
贊助單位:英國文化協會 British Council、荷蘭蒙德里安基金會 Mondriaan Foundation、荷蘭DOEN基金會 DOEN Foundation(Arts Collaboratory)



網頁與報名頁面:在此頁面上方或下方點選「立刻報名」即可(11.18 00:00開放報名)



竹圍工作室於今年12月13日,將舉辦「亞洲綠色藝術實驗室聯盟–工作坊GALA ASIA Workshop」,邀請十五位來自亞洲國家的藝文組織工作者分享環境永續的案例,他們來自新加坡、菲律賓、日本、印尼、韓國、香港、馬來西亞、泰國等,此外,竹圍工作室亦邀請兩位歐洲研究者––歐洲GALA創辦者Yasmine Ostendorf與英國Julie’s Bicycle工程師Luke Ramsay––分享在英國的案例以及推廣減碳工具應用。本匯聚的核心,乃探究藝文組織對環境友善的觀點與實作方法,期待有機會邀請關心環境生態的藝文工作者參與,展開討論與合作。

「亞洲綠色藝術實驗室聯盟」的概念源自於「綠色藝術實驗室聯盟」(Green Art Lab Alliance),此立基於歐洲的非營利團體,致力為藝文組織提供環境永續的方法(如討論藝文組織與環境議題相關的實例––水、廢棄物與能源等)。竹圍工作室於去年受邀前往歐洲與成員分享樹梅坑溪藝術行動計畫,同時也與創辦人Yasmine Ostendorf達成共識,把此概念帶回亞洲。




【2015 亞洲綠色藝術實驗室聯盟 GALA ASIA】目標

  • 建立一個參與社會/環境議題的文化組織之網絡基礎。
  • 從夥伴們的想法中,釐清需求與期待。
  • 提倡文化單位可以在社會與環境議題上,扮演之角色。
  • 在永續論題上,促進更進一步的文化合作。
  • 圍繞著這些議題,彼此交換知識與經驗。


- 2015.12.13(週日)13:30-18:00
- 地點:台北,再生藝術工坊 CRC

13:30-14:00 亞洲綠色藝術實驗室聯盟簡介
14:00-15:40 亞洲藝文單位分享
15:40-16:00 問答時間
16:00-16:30 休息
16:30-18:00 茱莉的腳踏車(Julie’s Bicycle)工作坊(Luke Ramsay)


綠色藝術實驗室聯盟,成立於2013年,為一國際文化組織參與環境議題的網絡,由歐盟支持,有著19個聯盟組織,匯聚並推進歐洲藝文組織在環境友善議題、與減少二氧化碳排放上的知識與經驗,並延展永續的創意方式。聯盟組織包括「茱莉的腳踏車」(Julie’s Bicycle)、荷蘭的「揚凡艾克學院」(Jan van Eyck Academy)、瑞典展覽局(Swedish Exhibition Agency)、位於荷蘭阿姆斯特丹的「DutchCulture/TransArtists」、以及位於捷克布拉格的「Goethe Institut Prague」等。

綠色藝術實驗室聯盟網站 http://greenartlaballiance.eu
竹圍工作室在歐洲GALA 談永續藝術的連結、交換與分享 http://bambooculture.com/news/1546


台灣:Bamboo Curtain Studio(BCS)
菲律賓:Concerned Artists of the Philippines(CAP)、Youth for a Livable Cebu(YLC)
日本:ARCUS Project
印尼:Common Room Networks Foundation(Bandung)
韓國:Listen to the City
香港:MaD team
泰國:Bangkok Art and Culture Centre、Big Trees Project.


【關於研究者:Yasmine Ostendorf與Luke Ramsay】

  • Luke Ramsay為英國倫敦非營利組織「茱莉的腳踏車」(Julie’s Bicycle)的環境永續經理。該組織提供藝文單位如何減少環境影響的咨詢,發展一整套的碳排放量測工具。主要的藝文單位如泰德美術館(Tate Gallery)與倫敦皇家亞伯特廳(Royal Albert Hall),使用著這套工具系統。資訊詳見: http://www.juliesbicycle.com。
  • Yasmine Ostendorf為一位文化政策的研究者,建立「綠色藝術實驗室聯盟」(Green Art Lab Alliance)––這個網絡由歐盟支持,是一個參與環境議題並匯聚藝文組織的知識聯盟。她在亞洲與ASEF一同製作聚焦於文化單位對於永續回應之出版品:「Creative Responses to Sustainability (Korea Guide)」。資訊詳見:http://www.transartists.org/activities/gala



Date: 2015.12.13(Sun.)
Time: 13:30-18:00
Place: Creative Reuse Center (CRC)
Add: TAF Innovation Base (Library),No.177, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan
Hosted by: Bamboo Curtain Studio, Green Art Lab Alliance
Partners: Lovely Taiwan Foundation × Creative Reuse Center (CRC), British Council, Mondriaan Foundation, DOEN Foundation (Arts Collaboratory)

【Web and Sign up】

Website of Sign up: http://bit.ly/GALA1213 (Sign up will open on Nov 18 00:00)
Contact: Bamboo Curtain Studio / info@bambooculture.com / +886 2 88093809
(Due to the limitation of seats, you will receive the mail if successfully sign up)


Bamboo Curtain Studio invites you to attend a series of talks and a workshop concerning artists engaging with environmental issues. We have invited 15 pioneering and interesting art collectives from across Asia to share their best practice stories with us.

GALA ASIA ' talks and workshop' will take place on the 13th of December at the Centre for Creative Reuse in Taipei. This gathering will mark the launch of the Green Art Lab Alliance ASIA, an an international network of cultural organisations engaging with environmental issues. We have invited artist' collectives from 8 countries to get to know each other and establish the alliance, including Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Japan, Korea and Malaysia.

In addition Bamboo Curtain Studio invited two researchers from Europe both specialised in environmental sustainability for the cultural sector: the founder of the Green Art Lab Alliance Yasmine Ostendorf and the Environmental Sustainability Manager at Julie’s Bicycle, Luke Ramsay, Luke is trained in giving workshops to cultural organisations on understanding and reducing their environmental footprint, using the Creative IG-Tools; tailor-made carbon calculators for the cultural sector. Luke Ramsay will give a tailor-made workshop on the Creative IG -tools and both of them will share their experience in Europe.

Bamboo Curtain Studio is glad to have a chance collaborate with the Creative Reuse Center (CRC). CRC was found by Lovely Taiwan Foundation in 2015 and maintains an environmental friendly approach re-using materials devoted to art education and creativity. Their environmental friendly recycled materials are used for exhibitions, workshops, markets and guides, amongst others. 

This event is part of Artcop21, a A global festival of cultural activity on climate change.

Bamboo Curtain Studio has low carbon living and sustainability just as high on the agenda has creativity and hopes you will be interested to join and share your vision and experiences with us. We hope that with your input we can connect and share and move towards a cleaner, healthier and creative cultural sector and Taiwan.

Warm regards,
Bamboo Curtain Studio
Nov. 2015

【The objectives for the GALA ASIA】

- Build a foundation for a network of cultural organisations engaging
with environmental issues.
- Identify needs and wishes from partners.
- Advocate the role the cultural sector can play in addressing social and
environmental issues.
- Catalyse further cultural collaborations on the issue of sustainability.
- Exchange knowledge and experience around engaging with these

【Rundown of the workshop】

- Dec. 13 (Sun) 13:30-18:00
- Venue: Creative Reuse Center(CRC)
13:30-14:00 Introduction to the Green Art Lab Alliance
14:00-15:40 talks by the invited Asian art collectives
15:40-16:00 Q&A
16:00-16:30 Break
16:30-18:00 Julie's Bicycle workshop
(The rundown might be changed if necessary)

【About Green Art Lab Alliance】

The Green Art Lab Alliance was first brought to life in 2013 to support cultural organisations in Europe in sharing knowledge and experience around reducing their carbon emissions, as well as forming creative responses to sustainability. The alliance was supported by the European Commission and was a partnership between 19 organizations including Julie’s Bicycle, the Jan van Eyck Academy, the Swedish Exhibition Agency, DutchCulture/TransArtists and the Goethe Institute Prague, amongst others. More info: http://greenartlaballiance.eu

- More Info:
GALA website http://greenartlaballiance.eu
BCS in GALA 2014 http://bambooculture.com/news/1546

【Participants from ASIA art organizations】

Taiwan: Bamboo Curtain Studio (BCS)
Singapore: Brack
Philippines: Concerned Artists of the Philippines (CAP), Youth for a Livable Cebu (YLC)
Japan: ARCUS Project
Indonesia: Common Room Networks Foundation (Bandung)
Korea: Listen to the City
Hong Kong: MaD team
Malaysia: Kontak!
Thailand: Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, Big Trees Project.

【About researchers -- Yasmine Ostendorf and Luke Ramsay】

- Luke Ramsay is Environmental Sustainability Manager at Julie's Bicycle, a London based charity advising the cultural sector on how to reduce its environmental impact, using a wide range of resources and tailor made carbon calculators. Major cultural institutes such as the Tate Gallery and the Royal Albert Hall are amongst Julie's Bicycle's clients and users of the tools.
- More info: http://www.juliesbicycle.com

- Yasmine Ostendorf is a cultural policy researcher who has founded the Green Art Lab Alliance (GALA); a knowledge alliance of cultural organisations engaging with environmental issues. This network is funded by the European Commission. She works with ASEF on publications mapping cultural responses to sustainability in Asia:
- Creative Responses to Sustainability (Korea Guide)
- More info about GALA: http://www.transartists.org/activities/gala

106 臺北市大安區建國南路一段177號
電話: 02-8809-3809