

竹圍工作室冬季工作室開放日:燃燒吧 ! 火爐 BCS Winter Open Studio: Fire Up!

2015-11-29 14:00   至   19:30 加入 Google 行事曆

(Please scroll down for English.)


2015年,越南藝術家Le Phi Long來到台灣,開始對台灣火山做深入的歷史研究,工作室同時也邀請來自日本的中村厚子及宇田見飛天、來自瑞典的Tor Palm、來自英國的Luke Ramsay、來自荷蘭的Yasmine Ostendorf、來自新加坡的Joanna Chak以及長期駐村於竹圍工作室的身聲劇場、張瓊如老師、陳正勳老師等藝術家參與本次開放日,藝術家們帶著自己過去的經驗來到竹圍,汲取在此生活的養分後,展出各類型的創作,激發出不同於以往的火花。



關於「小客廳」(The Living Room)

小客廳(Living Room)原意是「起居室」,在英文裡的定義,是家人的生活空間,通常會有沙發和電視等,是令人放鬆的生活空間;但是在台灣,由於居住空間狹窄,家人的生活空間和接待客人的空間合而為一,「Living Room」被翻譯為「客廳」,從中文的字面意義,可以看得出來「自家人的生活空間」不見了。
竹圍工作室期許小客廳(The Living Room)成為一個社區裡的生活空間,以討論環境、藝術、教育、社區等議題為主,成為跨界平台,分享在地智慧、創造永續未來。

English Version

When winter comes, what’s the first picture that flashes through your mind? Is the steam coming out of the teapot on a stove? hanging out and drinking with your friends? Or reading a good book and sitting alone by the fireside?

In 2015, BCS invites 9 groups of residency artists all around the world to participate in the activity. Le Phi Long who come form Vietnam did a thorough research about the history of volcano in Taiwan. In addition, we have Nakamura Atsuko and Utami Hiten both are from Japan, Tor Palm from Sweden, Luke Lamsay from UK, Yasmine Ostendorf from Netherlands, Joanna Chak from Singapore and the long-term resident artists including Sun Son Theatre, Joan Chang, and Chen Cheng-Hsun. Artists develop their own art projects, which absorb the life experience in Taiwan, and will be presented on Nov 29.

The energy of fire features “heating” and “flowing”, Bamboo Curtain Studio takes the image of fire burning as the theme of Winter Open Studio, expecting to be the catalyst for creative collaboration, connecting creative workers, artists and more friends to each other. One of the significant events on open studio day is the opening of “The Living Room”. “The Living Room” will be a cross-disciplinary platform, which is open for public to bring out Environment, Art, Education, and community issues.

We sincerely welcome you to join us and enjoy the brand new look of Bamboo Curtain Studio in the end of the year.

參與者 Participant

藝術家 Artists: Joanna Chak Mingmin, Le Phi Long, Luke Ramsay, Tor Palm, Yasmine Ostendorf, 中村厚子 Nakamura Atsuko, 宇田見飛天 Utami Hiten, 身聲劇場 Sun Son Theatre, 張瓊如 Joan Chang, 陳正勳 Chen Cheng-Hsun

指導單位 Advised by:文化部 Ministry of Culture

協力單位 Supported by:TAV Singapore, San Art, Hallands Knost Museum, 黃金町管理中心 Koganecho Area Management Center, 淡江建築系 Department of Architecture Tamkang University, 周建邦 Chou Chien-Pang, 秋季志工與實習生 Volunteers and Interns

致謝 Acknowledgement


時程表 Time Table


時間 Time 藝術家 Artists 地點 Venue 備註 Note
14:00-18:00 中村厚子(日本)
Nakamura Atsuko (Japan)
Glass Room + Eco-pond
14:00-18:00 宇田見飛天(日本)
Utami Hiten (Japan)
The Lab
14:00-18:00 Le Phi Long(越南 Vietnam) 交流中心
The Center
14:00-18:00 Tor Palm(瑞典 Sweden) 交流中心
The Center
14:00-18:00 Joanna Chak Mingmin(新加坡 Singapore) 交流中心
The Center
14:00-18:00 陳正勳(台灣)
Chen Cheng-Hsun (Taiwan)
Joan Chang (Taiwan)
The Glass Room + Ceramic Boutique

工作坊 Workshop

時間 Time 藝術家 Artists 地點 Venue 工作坊 Workshop 備註 Note
14:00-17:00 竹圍工作室
Bamboo Curtain Studio
Jam Garden
Screen Printing Workshop
14:00-16:00 竹圍工作室
Bamboo Curtain Studio
Living Room
Piñata Making Workshop
人數 Participants:不限 Unlimited
報名 Sign up:不用 No
價格 Price:免費 Free
14:00-17:00 身聲劇場
Sun Son Theatre
Da Di Music Room
Rain Stick Workshop(60-90mins)
人數 Participants:不限 Unlimited
報名 Sign up:不用 No
價格 Price:短 Short NT100/Long NT150
14:30-16:00 張瓊如
Joan Chang
Glass Room
Ceramic Mug Cushion Workshop
人數 Participants:6-8
報名 Sign up:請點此報名 Check Here
價格 Price:NT300(含燒 Include Firing)

小客廳開市+藝術家講座 The Living Room Opening + Artist Talk

小客廳開市 The Living Room Opening
17:00-17:15 開幕活動:打火雞
Opening Ceremony: Piñata
17:15-17:20 致詞:竹圍工作室創辦人–蕭麗虹老師
Speech: Founder of BCS - Margaret Shiu
17:20-17:30 小客廳導覽
Guide of The Living Room
爐邊暖談 Artist Talk
17:25-17:45 中村厚子(日本)
Nakamura Atsuko (Japan)
17:45-18:05 宇田見飛天(日本)
Utami Hiten (Japan)
18:05-18:25 Luke Ramsay(英國 UK)
18:25-18:35 Q & A
18:35-19:30 交流時間 Talks

其他活動 Other Activities

時間 Time 藝術家 Artist 地點 Venue 內容 Content 備註 Note
14:30-16:00 狂想劇場(台灣)
Fantasy Theatre
The Twelve Bamboo
Buy Tickets Here.


