

竹圍工作室換帖去 uānn-thiap: BCS on tour

2016-07-18 00:00   至   2016-09-16 15:00 加入 Google 行事曆
104 臺北市中山區玉門街1號



「竹圍工作室換帖去」是竹圍工作室成員洪秉綺、李佳珊、洪芷寧,與藝術家何灝、魏肇儀,青年夥伴高任翔,以及綠色藝術實驗室聯盟創辦人雅絲敏(Yasmine Ostendorf)組成的團隊,以工作室在環境藝術、社區參與和連結青年/創藝工作者的脈絡為主軸,匯聚每位團隊成員接觸本土文化藝術的經驗,成為團隊的「帖」:竹圍工作室和每位團隊成員為名,生命經驗為底,加上工作坊和台灣之夜扣緊的形式。我們希望與泰國、印尼的組織/青年/創藝工作者交換這樣的「帖」,也盼這次在泰國曼谷、印尼日惹/雅加達的交流計畫,可以換來夥伴與兄弟的「帖」,再回到台灣。


Uānn-thiap, the exchange of personal information, is also called kiat-pài. It is a Taiwanese term that refers to the folk ritual of exchanging red pieces of papers “thiap (帖)” containing the names, lunar birthdates, detailed traditional astrological attributes, and birth locations between close friends. Friends who undergo the uānn-thiap ceremony, performed in the presence of local gods, become lifelong brothers/sisters, discordant in blood ties but bonded by friendship and shared destiny.

Uānn-thiap: BCS on Tour is a team made up of Bamboo Curtain Studio (BCS) staff Iris Hung, Bess Lee, Bignin, artists Ho How and Lauwei, youth partner Sean Gau, and the Green Art Lab Alliance founder Yasmine Ostendorf. BCS has long focused its work on arts and the environment, community involvement, and connecting youth as well as arts/creative practitioners. Each member in Uānn-thiap: BCS on Tour contributes to the thiap of the team, bringing in his or her own experiences practicing in the arts and culture field in Taiwan. Our individual names become the formal representation, our life experiences the content, and the planned workshops as well as sharing sessions the ties that connect all together in the exchange process. We seek to share such thiap with the organizations, youth partners, and arts/creative practitioners in Indonesia and Thailand; and in exchange, bring home the thiap from our Bangkok, Jakarta, and Yogyakarta friends and brothers/sisters at the end of this trip.

BCS is an arts and culture platform that aspires to establish relationships. With the objective of “Local Action, Global Connection” in mind, BCS collaborates with a variety of international organizations, and initiates residency exchanges as well as interdisciplinary projects with our partners worldwide. Our practice allows artists in Taiwan to broaden their perspectives and experience the world. It also enables creatives to conduct experimental projects as well as pioneering research and collaborations across nations. Uānn-thiap: BCS on Tour is BCS’s first Southeast Asia exchange team. It is composed of members under the age of 35, and is funded by the Ministry of Culture, Taiwan through the Project of Youth Culture Gardener Team.

團隊成員 The Team

團隊成員 The Team:洪秉綺 Iris HUNG、李佳珊 Bess LEE、洪芷寧 Bignin (Sherry HONG)、何灝 HO How、魏肇儀 Lauwei、高任翔 Sean GAU、雅絲敏(Yasmine Ostendorf)

洪秉綺 Iris HUNG
竹圍工作室營運總監 Managing Director of Bamboo Curtains Studio 



Iris Ping-Chi, Hung is the managing director of Bamboo Curtains Studio and one of the member of Taipei Picnic Club. She was the manager of Taipei Brick House.

Iris focuses on the development of public space and private space in the city. Her research emphasizes on how to sustain redundant physical heritage and transform into a vital space with its historical meaning by holding live events or exhibitions. She believes art and culture can contribute to the true aesthetic of living. Creative talent could use different methods to make social engagement and reach to different communities. This is another reason why she believe the importance of maintaining a platform is vital in order to connect more like-minded organizations. As a coordinator, she creates opportunities to bring different creative talent together and co-create amazing projects.

李佳珊 Bess LEE
竹圍工作室行銷宣傳經理 Marketing and Communication Manager
 of Bamboo Curtains Studio


Lee joined BCS in 2011 and has been in charge of project publicization and media outreach. She began her research on Taiwan and international arts residency programs in 2013, and has since overseen the maintenance and operation of the Arts Residency Network (http://artres.moc.gov.tw/). Lee organizes the nationwide lecture tour on artist residencies during 2015-2016, and assists in constructing a domestic and international connection archive for research and outreach programs. She is also the chief editor of Plum Tree Creek Newsletter, a local community paper in Zhuwei, Taipei.

洪芷寧 Bignin (Sherry HONG)
竹圍工作室駐村經理 Residency Manager of Bamboo Curtains Studio


Bignin is one of the team members in this project, mainly focusing on "KEY SCENE". She is the Residency Manager in BCS, dealing with International Residency Programs, as an coordinator and translator between artists, people who practice here, inclusive of local people and Interns in every season, and do projects together. In 2015, with the combination of annual projects, planed and edited with partners as "Green Art Action Exhibition" and the publication "Row Your Boat." And join the community monthly paper in BCS.

Graduated from Fine Art Dept. and majored in Graphic Design, and went studying Arts Management afterwards. Due to attracted by the flexibility of non-defination of "Independent publications" in Taiwan, she wrote this topic as master thesis until the late summer of 2014.  Had been one member as "Yuan-He Life" as well. Her personal exceptions are to find out the approach of communication and collaboration between individual and communities in the field of education, art and creation, and local knowledge.

何灝 Ho Hao a.k.a Mike Ho
音樂製作人、街頭藝術家、黑膠收藏者與小說家 Music Producer, Street Artist, Crate Digger, Novelist



Born in 1984, Taiwan, Taipei. Ho's style influence from Griffiti, Chinese Calligraphy, and Rare Groove Music. Ho try to combine all those thing to his style. He been doing Music and Art performance all round Taiwan since 16 years old, now he also play internationl wide from Japan, Indonesia, and Hong Kong.

In the year of 2013, he back to Taiwan from Seattle and open a space call “REUSED_Lab”. The Space are a Abandoned House, He fix the house with other artists and change it into a Art space for Studio, Shop, Hostel, Exbitation and Performing Space. Now Reused lab is selling Artist Goods, vinyl record, and having Exhibition, Workshop or Performing from time to time. The Space are not only a Artist Collective, but also try to promote DIY and DIGGING Culture in Taiwan. Reused Lab also prove international Network from All over the world. Performance, Exhibition or Residency.

魏肇儀 Lauwei
影像工作者 Film Maker


Lauwei grew up in the countryside of Kaohsiung, Taiwan. He majored in Communication in college and studied filmmaking, but realized that his interests also lies in mountain climbing, cycling, hitchhiking, making unusual friends, and working in creative DIY markets. These seemingly non-film related experiences shaped his perspectives on the surrounding world. Lauwei later entered the Graduate Institute of Trans-disciplinary Arts at Taipei National University of the Arts, and re-established connection with film/images in an artistic environment. His experiences from the past allowed him to understand filmmaking in a different way. For the past two years, Lauwei has attempted to apply what he has learned in art school into his documentary pieces, challenging his own imagination on documentary film in each and every one of his projects.

高任翔 Sean GAU

大學就讀中央電機,在大二休學,利用多年的程式經驗於家中自行鑽研Qt開發電腦、手機app,並學習arduino,開始使用microcontroller,搭上maker文化的順風車,自行開發「火舞表演道具Mpoi」,並設計「PoiMCreator ver1.0使用者介面」,可使表演者對Mpoi更輕易上手。目前已與台灣最大火舞團體「TS火舞團」合作表演道具事宜。2015年暑假參與竹圍工作室戲劇製作,結識新加坡十指幫劇團,協助戲偶製作、戲劇彩排、演出與燈光設計。

Gau majored in Electrical Engineering in National Central University in Taiwan. He took a leave of absence in his sophomore year, and started developing computer and mobile phone applications at home based on several years of experiences in computer programming. He learned Arduino and began working on microcontroller, and later created Light dancing stuff "Mpoi" as well as designed the corresponding PoiMCreator ver1.0 controll program to allow easier access to the Mpoi program. He is currently working with Taiwan’s largest fire performance group True Spin Fire Group in developing new props. Kao participated in the 2015 BCS Theatre Workshop and assisted The Finger Players, a theatre group from Singapore, in puppet making, rehearsal, lighting design, and onstage performance.

雅絲敏 Yasmine OSTENDORF
綠色藝術實驗室聯盟創辦人 Founder of Green Art Lab Alliance

雅絲敏,獨立研究者、策展人,長期投入藝術及永續發展的文化人,曾擔任荷蘭Trans Artists專案經理與「韋爾角」(Cape Farewell)––關心二氧化碳減排、氣候變遷的藝術非營利組織之計畫主持人,並於2013年得到歐盟的支持,創設「綠色藝術實驗室聯盟」(Green Art Lab Alliance),透過文化藝術行動關注環境問題。雅絲敏也參與籌備2015年11月在巴黎舉行的「氣候高峰會藝術節」(ArtCOP21),以藝術、社會、科學知識與創造性行動,跨界帶領民眾想像永續環境如何可能。同年,她進駐竹圍工作室,並與竹圍工作室合作,將這個藝術行動與知識聯盟拓展至亞洲,邀集亞洲9個國家的成員共同成立亞洲綠色藝術實驗室聯盟(GALA Asia)。她在亞洲也與歐亞基金會(Asia-Europe Foundation)一同製作聚焦於文化單位對於永續回應之出版品:「Creative Response to Sustainability-Korea Guide」與「Creative Response to Sustainability-Singapore Guide」。

Yasmine Ostendorf is an independent researcher/curator with over ten years of
professional work experience in the international cultural field. She researches, curates,
teaches, connects, facilitates and writes about art, design and culture that positively
contributes to society; i.e work that explores, questions and addresses our social and
environmental responsibility. She has extensively worked with the European
Commission on cultural mobility programmes and on the topic of art and environment.
She is the founder of the Green Art Lab Alliance, an international network of 35 creative
agencies across Europe and Asia engaging with social and environmental issues.

交流/工作坊與展覽 Information of Workshop, Taiwan Night and Exhibition

交流/工作坊/台灣之夜 Takeout Taiwan!

日期與地點:9.10(六)至9.16(五)於台灣台北「台灣當代一年展 Taiwan Annual 1st

Workshop / Taiwan Night: Takeout Taiwan!
7.18-7.31 Bangkok, Thailand.
8.01-8.14 Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Exhibition / BCS at Taiwan Annual 1st.
9.10-9.16 Taipei, Taiwan.
Opening Ceremony: 9.10 (Sat.) 17:00
(Open Hours: 11:00-19:30. 9.16 will open to 15:00)

致謝 Acknowledgement

指導/贊助單位 Sponsor:文化部 Ministry of Culture, Taiwan, 青年文化園丁隊–臺灣青年至東南亞交流合作補助 Project of Youth Culture Gardener Team
主辦單位 Host:竹圍工作室 Bamboo Curtain Studio

合作單位 Partner:綠色藝術實驗室聯盟 Green Art Lab Alliance(荷蘭)、曼谷藝術與文化中心 Bangkok Art & Culture Centre(泰國曼谷)、大樹計畫 BIG Tress(泰國曼谷)、Tentacles(泰國曼谷)、崑奇文化研究中心 KUNCI Cultural Studies Center(印尼日惹)、Lifepatch(印尼日惹)、Bakudapan Food Study Group(印尼日惹)、Wangi Artroom // Kedai Koppi Bell(印尼日惹)、再造藝文聲響實驗室 Reused(台灣)、財團法人台灣視覺藝術協會 Association of the Visual Arts in Taiwan(台灣)、歐亞基金會 Asia-Europe Foundation(新加坡)

特別感謝 Special Thanks:Jiandyin Meemalai(Baan Noorg Collaborative Arts & Culture)、Thanom Chapakdee、Marco Kusumawijya&Anindita Taufani(Rujak Center For Urban Studies)、Singh Intrachooto(Scrap Lab)、Gridthiya Gaweewong(The James H.W. Thompson Foundation)、Chris Grisana、Anang Saptoto(Ruang MES 56)、Ketemu Project Space、Pei-Hsuan WANG(王佩瑄)、Po-Han CHANG(張博涵)、Annisa Rizkiana Rahmasari

104 臺北市中山區玉門街1號
電話: +886288093809