
「Common Plague. Common Decency.」從六月開始,持續到八月結束。燠熱的夏季空氣中,我們翻開書頁,將《鼠疫》的情節脈絡攤開於桌面,順著故事線分成三項子題,並為三個月的駐村計劃依序定錨,而子題與月份的對應分別為:六月—爆發與封城、七月—疫情下的生活、八月—回歸正常。

六月:爆發與封城——Common Plague. Common Decency.

2021-06-28 19:00   至   20:00 加入 Google 行事曆








▍時間:6月28日 19:00-20:00 UTC+8
▍Link Tree:https://linktr.ee/commonplaguedecency


“Common Plague. Common Decency.” takes place from June to August. In the stifling heat of summer, we open the book, spread out the storyline of “The Plague” and divide it into three topics. The topics would define the three months respectively: June—Outbreak and Lockdown, July—Life in Pandemic, August—Back to Normal.

At the end of every month, there will be a Public Sharing Event through which Artists will share their residency progress and how they could respond to the topic. Time and link to sign up will be announced in the middle of each month. You’re more than welcome to join us in the events.
【June—Outbreak and Lockdown】
Corpses of rats are all over the streets and ditches. The amount is shockingly increasing. People start to get ill and fevers. Their lymph nodes are swelling and causing unbearable pain. They become too weak to even properly stand. Consciousness is gone. The number of deaths climbing.


Is it “IT”? Could it be? But that’s the existence only seen in history.
However, it’s too similar. All these signs and symptoms are strongly implying.

Alright. Even if it’s “IT”, the past doesn't have to repeat with correct measurements.
Yes. I have to admit now that it really is “IT”. But they wouldn’t believe it.

They’re finally afraid.
Worry. Anxiety. No matter what, what must be done must be done.

Lock down in Oran proclaimed.


▍Time: June 28 19:00-20:00 UTC+8
▍Click the link to sign up: https://reurl.cc/GmedYG
▍Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/commonplaguedecency
