
98B COLLABoratory 的Marika和Anjo即將在台北當代藝術中心舉辦Melting Pot – T@P [Tagay at Pulutan],希望邀請觀眾共同參與一場社群的、富有生氣、充實的傳統飲酒經驗。

Melting Pot – T@P [Tagay at Pulutan]

2015-07-15 17:00   至   20:00 加入 Google 行事曆
103 臺北市大同區保安街49巷11號

主辦:98B COLLABoratory的Marika Constantino和Anjo Bolarda

Time: July 15 (Wed), 5pm till late
Venue: Taipei Contemporary Art Center, No. 11, Lane 49, Baoan Street, Taipei
Organized by Marika Constantino and Anjo Bolarda of 98B COLLABoratory
In collaboration with Taipei Contemporary Art Center
Supported by Bamboo Curtain Studio


98B COLLABoratory創立成員Marika Constantino與Anjo Bolarda自述:「我們在竹圍工作室的駐村給我們在台北探索活動的可能,拜訪了許多藝術空間、遇到眾多的藝術實踐者和文化工作者,在這些機緣中,Melting Pot計畫的一個新版本也隨之成形。」

「Melting Pot希望創造參與者之間更緊密豐富連結的共同經驗,在這個親密的活動型態裡不同對藝術與生活的文化、觀點、品味與觀念可以被討論溝通和理解。

Melting Pot也是一個比喻,用來說明那些刺激創意生產中不可預期的元素、經驗、條件。最終呈現在桌面上的不論是否為預期成果,都擁抱了其潤澤心靈的過程。」

98B COLLABoratory 的Marika和Anjo即將在台北當代藝術中心舉辦Melting Pot – T@P [Tagay at Pulutan],希望邀請觀眾共同參與一場社群的、富有生氣、充實的傳統飲酒經驗。



如同在其他的Melting Pot活動一樣,Marika和Anjo將邀請觀眾與參與者來為這些現製混合物命名。這些新食物、飲料的食譜將會納入未來Melting Pot – T@P的出版計畫。Marika和Anjo希望過程中能夠有更多參與者的回饋、建議、經驗的分享,讓這些經驗反映在食譜的命名上。

從Melting Pot – T@P促成的同志情誼與感情聯繫希望能有更多後續的各項發展潛力。給所有勇敢和富冒險精神的人們……Happy Hour從7月15日下午5點開始!


According to Marika Constantino and Anjo Bolarda, founding members of 98B COLLABoratory in Manila, Philippines, “Our residency, which is hosted by Bamboo Curtain Studio, has given us much freedom to explore and go around Taipei. We were able to visit other art spaces, meet a number of art practitioners and cultural workers. From one of these encounters, another version of the Melting Pot project organically formed.” 

Essentially, “Melting Pot (MP) is an intimate activity where the collective experience hopes to forge richer connections between participants. It is a project where various cultures, viewpoints, perspectives, tastes and notions with regard to art and life can be discussed, communicated and understood. 

Melting Pot is also a metaphor for those unexpected elements, experiences and limitations that manage to stimulate and inspire creativity. What will be laid on the table may or may not be the anticipated result but embracing and appreciating the process will hopefully fill the mind and soul.”

Marika and Anjo are excited to launch the Melting Pot – T@P [Tagay at Pulutan] in Taipei Contemporary Art Center (TCAC). For this version, they wish guests to take part in a Filipino traditional manner of drinking – which is communal, lively and filling. 

Customarily, drinking in the Philippines is done with just one glass: tagay (quite similar to a shot). Everyone shares this glass; it is passed around in a circular fashion. Once the tagay reaches you, it is expected that you finish the liquor in it. The empty glass is then returned to the tanggero (conventionally it is the person who opens the bottle) to be refilled and given to the next person. The merriment is, most often than not, accompanied by pulutan (similar to Spanish tapas or finger food). 

It is hoped that you can take part in this fun encounter by contributing your desired liquor. From some of the different contributions, Marika and Anjo will attempt to mix a cocktail for sharing… tagay style. Additional ingredients needed for the tagay and pulutan that they will prepare will be sourced from around Dadaocheng, TCAC’s new location. In the process, they also hope to get a feel of Taipei City’s historical area. 

As with other MP editions, Marika and Anjo will ask guests and participants to name the created concoctions. Recipes from the MP-T@P versions will be part of the cookbook that they plan to produce in the future. As such, Marika and Anjo hopes to involve participants in the process. The recipe names that participants will provide will be reflective of their feedback, comments and experience. 

The camaraderie and bond fostered from MP-T@P hopes to generate consequential possibilities. For the brave and adventurous… happy hour starts at 5pm on July 15, 2015.

103 臺北市大同區保安街49巷11號
電話: +886225501231