

展覽 Exhibition | 竹圍工作室的二十年 Bamboo Curtain Studio Reaching 20

2015-09-30 11:00   至   2015-10-09 19:30 加入 Google 行事曆
104 臺北市中山區玉門街1號

Bamboo Curtain Studio is invited to participate in the Artist Fair Taiwan 2015 organized by the Association of the Visual Arts in Taiwan. We are stationed at the Taiwan Alternative Artspace and putting on a show titled Reaching 20. The exhibition will focus on presenting the trajectory of our practice within the past 20 years, and will guide you through the connections that we've made from Taiwan to other parts of the world under the overall theme of "Local Action, Global Connection."

參觀資訊 Info

地點 Place:台灣藝術家博覽會(C區)·花博爭艷館 Artist Fair Taiwan Area C in Taipei EXPO Park EXPO Dome
(台北市中山區玉門街1號 No.1, Yumen St., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan)
展期 Date:2015.09.30-10.09
開幕 Opening:09.30 18:00
開放時間 Opening Hours:Everyday 11:00-19:00(10.09只到17:00 | 10.09 will close at 17:00)

參展者 Participant:竹圍工作室 Bamboo Curtain Studio、王佩瑄 Pei-Hsuan Wang、林晏竹 Yen-Ju Lin、丘智華 Chiu Chih-Hua、陳思含 Chen Szu Han

本展覽為「台灣藝術家博覽會」的一部分。This exhibition is part of Artist Fair Taiwan.

講座 Lecture

2015-16 竹圍工作室國際藝術駐村巡迴講座
Bamboo Curtain Studio Artist-In-Residency Tour Lecture

Are You Ready for Next Journey?

時間 Time:10.03 11:00-12:30 於 舞台區
與談人 Panelists:蕭麗虹 Margaret Shiu、陳以軒 I-Hsuen Chen、李佳珊 Bess Chia San Lee


In addition to showcasing some of the residency projects that we have done, Bamboo Curtain Studio will also organize an artist talk at the Artist Fair Taiwan. The talk will cover tips on preparing artist CVs and portfolios for residency programs, as well as advice on how to apply for artist funding. Margaret Shiu, founder of BCS and an artist with extensive experiences conducting cross-cultural projects, will be present. Artist I-Hsuen Chen is also invited to share his own stories of (success and failure) applying for a variety residency programs. There will be a Q&A session for you to share your thoughts with the artists.

更多場次 More about 2015-16 Bamboo Curtain Studio Artist-In-Residency Tour Lecture:http://bit.ly/BCSAIR

致謝 Acknowledgement


104 臺北市中山區玉門街1號
電話: +886288093809