
竹圍工作室與台灣好基金會再生藝術工坊合作,邀請Francis Sollano於9月3日~10月31日於再生藝術工坊展覽《深白色的詩歌》,以珊瑚為主軸,討論海洋之美,同時也憂慮因為污染造成珊瑚白化現象,表達在快速轉化的社會下,人們對大自然的破壞與衝擊。


2016-09-03 14:00   至   2016-10-31 17:00 加入 Google 行事曆
106 臺北市大安區建國南路一段177號

菲律賓的裝置藝術家Francis Sollano ,善於使用回收材料製作成時尚物件,將其美感提升,更重要的是藉由這些吸引人的物件,傳達環境永續的議題。

此次由竹圍工作室與台灣好基金會再生藝術工坊合作,邀請Francis Sollano於9月3日~10月31日於再生藝術工坊展覽《深白色的詩歌》,以珊瑚為主軸,討論海洋之美,同時也憂慮因為污染造成珊瑚白化現象,表達在快速轉化的社會下,人們對大自然的破壞與衝擊。


展覽:《深白色的詩歌》 Bleached into the Deep
時間:2016.09.03-2016.10.31 10:00-17:00 (周一休)
地點:再生藝術工坊 CRC

座談:藝術與海洋:延續珊瑚之美 The Arts and Saving Our Coral Beauty
時間:2016.09.03 14:00-16:30
地點:再生藝術工坊 CRC

座談:藝術與海洋:延續珊瑚之美 The Arts and Saving Our Coral Beauty


更重要的是,本講座將分享「宜居宿霧青年」(Youth for a Livable Cebu)團隊的計劃,展示與年輕學子合作的出色成果,讓身為地球一分子的我們,可以藉此反思自己的環境行為、碳足跡以及所謂「有限資源x創造高發展指數」的開發想像。

All over the world, the arts and creative sector has always played a huge role in raising awareness on the impacts of climate change.  “Bleached into the Deep’s” talk entitled “The Arts and Saving Our Coral Beauty” will focus on how the arts can encourage sustainable social, economic and environmental practices, particularly with our seas.

More importantly, it aims to show what are the initiatives done by Youth for a Livable Cebu, working with young students, on remarkable projects that make us reflect on our behaviors, our carbon footprints and the claims of exponential developments based on limited resources.

《深白色的詩歌》 Bleached into the Deep

《深白色的詩歌》 為一重新想像海洋與海洋生態未來樣貌的計劃,其欲探討的主題,藉由抽象化、視覺風格化的海底生物、水中植物等造型呈現在作品中,尤以珊瑚為主軸。海洋生態的白化現象,深刻地影響了我對自然界存亡的看法,也似乎形塑出人類對重生成為無私而純淨個體的嚮往,此獨特的重生感與精神性寄託,透過珊瑚與LED燈的結合,以永恆的生命與其所激發之美感。


Bleached into the Deep is an initiative that reimagines the future of our oceans and its life beneath it.  For one, the theme is reflected by the usage of oceanic and botanical subjects in abstract and stylised forms with LED lights.

I find that bleached oceanic subjects greatly influenced the way I perceive the death in our natural ecosystem and the interesting way how we are reborn to be selfless, beautiful characters.  The unique ways rebirth is expressed and the spiritual essence of fusing corals with LEDs create a lasting impression of beauty.

The repurposed garbage materials go through several manipulation techniques which results to the desired effect.  I like the idea and made it intentional that the materials in itself is a representation of transforming mundane and ‘dead’ materials to reusable ones.


106 臺北市大安區建國南路一段177號
電話: 02-8809-3809