

流‧域:環境藝術國際小聚 Water and Land:International Projects on Environmental Arts

2016-10-01 10:00   至   2016-10-16 18:00 加入 Google 行事曆
251 新北市淡水區中正路259號

展覽資訊 Info

展覽時間:10.1(六)-10.16 (日)
Exhibition Time:10.1(Sat)-10.16(Sun)
Tue-Fri 10:00-17:00(Mon off,Sat & Sun till 18:00)

Opening Time:10.2(Sun)15:00

Venue:Tamsui Customs Wharf Warehouse C(No.259, Zhongzheng Rd., Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City)

Sponsor/Advisor:Ministry of culture (The Emerald Initiative), New Taipei City Government

Organizer:Bamboo Curtain Studio

協辦單位:新北市政府文化局、新北市立淡水古蹟博物館、新北市淡水區公所、身聲劇場、亞洲綠色藝術實驗室聯盟Green Art Lab Alliance (Asia)、台灣好基金會CRC再生藝術工坊、關渡自然公園
Co-organizer :Cultural Affairs Department New Taipei City Government, Tamsui Historical Museum New Taipei City, Tamsui District Office New Taipei City, SunSon Theatre,Green Art Lab Alliance (Asia), Lovely Taiwan Foundation Creative Reuse Center, Guandu Nature Park

This exhibition is part of New Taipei City Tamsui Environmental Arts Festival

策展理念 Concept




  1. 藝術家如何看待環境的議題?
  2. 藝術家如何以環境議題做為文化生產的素材,如何呈現?
  3. 環境藝術的創作是否有目的性?
  4. 環境藝術創作,是否需要有成果呈現?或是需要造成影響嗎?需要發生持續力嗎?
  5. 環境藝術創作和社會參與的意義何在?


Since participation in the project of "Art as Environment -- A Cultural Action at Plum Tree Creek", Bamboo Curtain Studio has been constantly challenged for the meaning of environmental art. What is the aesthetics of environmental art? What are the disparities in environmental art and environmental education? What is the role of community engagement in environmental art production? After the art project of Plum Tree Creek, Bamboo Curtain Studio keeps working with the community in the environmental issues in Zhuwei area in order to arouse more public attention on the creek, to understand the landscape transformation caused by the urban development strategy, to empathize the fate of the surrounding changes what people forgot and ignored, and to inspire them to input more attention on the environment care voluntarily. By all means of art activities, creative talents attempt to deepen the social connection of the art and the people, and to broaden the spectrum of art productions of the environmental art. With the support of the International Artist-in-Residency Program and Green Art Lab Alliance, Bamboo Curtain Studio has privileges to host many excellent artists and art workers and to learn the cases happening in different regions. Each of them has unique way to response their problems and issues. The exhibit of "Water and Land: International Projects on Environmental Arts" exposes the concept and the mechanism behind each art projects and tries to engage the non-art audience in the dialogues of the following questions:

(1) How do art workers explore the environmental issues?
(2) How do art workers employ the environmental issues as material for cultural production, and how do they manipulate?
(3) Do art and cultural actions need to create a goal for the destination?
(4) Is it necessary for environmental art to outcome the final productions, to make impact, or to develop the sustainability?
(5) What is the meaning social participation in the environmental art?

Seven artist collectives / individuals from seven countries showcased the various ways of art production such as art action, installation, drama, literature and film documentary to depict the their problems and conflicts. It is expected that the audience can walk into the exhibit, appreciate the works and talk to us, to make this space as an art in-situ.

【參展藝術家/團隊 Participants】

吳瑪悧與竹圍工作室 Wu, Mali & Bamboo Curtain Studio (台灣 Taiwan)
Big Tree Group (泰國 Thailand)
Francis Sollano(菲律賓 Philippine)
Ketemu (印尼 Indonesia)
Listen to the City (韓國Korea)
十指幫The Finger Players (新加坡Singapore)
張慧婷Stephanie Cheung (香港 Hong Kong)


【相關活動 Related Program】(updating)

10.2(Sun)15:00 開幕茶會+論壇@淡水海關碼頭 Opening tea party +Talk @ Tamsui Customs Wharf Warehouse C
參與者 speakers :邱俊達(獨立策展人)、Budi Agung Kuswara (藝術家)、 Mintio(藝術家)、Anunta INTRA-AKSORN (Big Tress Group成員) 、蕭於勤(思樂樂Think Feel Move藝術總監)

251 新北市淡水區中正路259號
電話: 02-26212830