BCS 2014 Emerging Artist, Pei-Ju Yeh: Another Wonderland | 6.29-7.29

Date: June 29 (Sun)—July 29 (Tue)
Time: Mon—Fri 10:00-18:00
Opening: June 29 (Sun) 15:00-17:00
Artist Talk: June 29 (Sun) 15:00-16:00
Guest Speaker: Dr. Pei-Yi Lu
Guests Artist: Chi-Sheng Ko, Jone Chang
Venue: Bamboo Curtain Studio Glass Room (1) and Glass Room (2)
Bamboo Curtain Studio (BCS) proudly presents the 2014 Emerging Artist Pei-Ju Yeh’s solo exhibition “Another Wonderland.” This exhibition features two works created by the Artist during her two months residency at BCS. Each year, since 2009, BCS invites 4 to 5 young and talented artists from all over the world to lives and works at the studio. From June 29th to July 29th, Pei-Ju Yeh will exhibit her residency works in the glass room and on the sidewall of BCS.
Located in between the calm and peaceful Guanyin Mountain and the whirlwind liked MRT station; BCS is like a fresh breeze of air compare to the hectic Taipei city. Yeh enjoys looking at wild plants growing on top of the riverbanks and the view of Guanyin Montain, when walking back to the Studio from the MRT station. It reminds her of an old Chinese poem “The Reeds and Rush’s From the Books of Songs:”
“Thick grow the rush leaves;
Their white dew turns to frost.
He whom I love
Must be somewhere along this stream.”
‘Reeds and rushes’ is an ancient usage that refers to the wild grasses and reeds growing on the side of the street. Yeh often incorporates natural landscape into her artworks and continues the trend in her residency project, a mural right beside the rail of MRT train. This Mural is a gift to the local commuters. She wishes to share this “fresh breeze of air” to the busy commuters and hope to release their stress temporarily when taking the train.
The second pieces of her work will be displayed at Glass Room 1and 2. She will install carved boards around the glass room and present a Chinese ink artwork -Yeh specialized in Traditional Chinese ink painting in college. This work serves as a record/journal of her residency at BCS. Using the most familiar technique, Chinese landscape and calligraphy, Yeh transferred her observations of Zhuwei into a painting.
The opening will be held on June 29th. Yeh invites two artists to participate on this special date. She will pay the tribute, with the music artist Chi-Sheng Ko, to the classic Chinese song “On The Other Side The Water,” where she gets her inspiration from for this exhibition. Yeh also invites BCS long-term resident artist Joan Chang, a ceramic artist, who will open her tearoom, right next to the glass room, where guest can relax and enjoy the exhibition and performance with a cup of Chinese tea.
【Artist Intro】
Pei-Ju Yeh
Born in Changhua, Taiwan, in 1983, Pei-Ju Yeh graduated from National Hsinchu University of Education, Department of Arts and Design in 2006.
For many years, She worked as an art educator and creates art works simultaneously. Her artistic philosophy is to let the time tell its stories. Through art making process, Yeh wants to reconstruct the urban images in her mind. She tries to catch the sunlight and silhouette on the wall, in between tiny gaps, and on the corners where people passed by in their daily routine but never pay attention to it. By scratching sections of dirt off the wall, she recreates the beautiful but temporary scenes to revive the glorious past for a short period. As time passes, her works will naturally diminish, by the wind, rain, or other nature factors. It creates a new memory in those who passed by it, a mark that links the past, present and future together. It is a way of reverse thinking and to retell a story of a city. “I call it reversed graffiti.” She said. In her work, it not only changes in nature but become part of the nature; and, it recreates a new page, a new memory, of the city in our minds. Her artistic philosophy is to let the time tell its stories, and to put the memories back to the beautiful natural environment, to where they belong.
Yeh was selected as the Emerging Artist of Bamboo Curtain Studio in 2014.
【Guest Speaker】
Pei-Yi Lu
Pei-Yi Lu held a PhD at Birkbeck, University of London, specialized in humanism and culture research. Dr. Lu currently teaches at National Taipei University of the Arts and have done many researches regarding contemporary art curating and Off-Site Art, such as exterior works for museum or topic between arts and urbanization. She has been a long observer of “Art as Environment: A culture action at the Plum Tree Creek ” project and written several paper of the project.