
2012 Global Art Project

February 8,2012
Arts in Residency


Art for Peace… Create a work of art expressing your vision of global peace and goodwill to exchange with another person or group.

Project Mission

The mission of the Global Art Project is to joyously create a culture of peace through art. The Project spreads world peace by promoting tolerance and non-violence. The Global Art Project is an expression of the idea: We Are All One.

Project Description
Anyone can participate!

The Global Art Project is an International Art Exchange for Peace. Here's how it works: Participants create a work of art in any medium, expressing their vision of global peace and goodwill. The art is displayed locally in each participant’s community. Global Art Project then organizes an international exchange by matching participants—group-to-group and individual-to-individual. The exchange occurs April 23-30 biennially, resulting in thousands of people sending messages of Peace around the world at one time—visions of unity simultaneously encircle the Earth. The art is sent as a gift of global friendship and exhibited in the receiving community.

Participants may send documentation of the art created and of the people who came together to create the art to the GAP Art Bank. Global Art Project exhibitions, books, slide presentations, and this website give people an opportunity to experience visions of peace and unity created by individuals from diverse cultures around the world.

How to Participate

Registration for the next exchange in April 2012 will begin in May 2011.

First, register by February 29, 2012. GAP will match you with a participant. Participants in the US and Canada are required to include a minimum US $15 donation for individuals and US $20 donation for groups. Participants in other countries are asked to send a donation if possible.

March 2012: Create a work of art expressing your personal vision of global peace and goodwill. The art may be in any medium -- visual or literary art, audio or videotapes/CDs of performances, etc. -- which can be sent from one group or individual to another.

April 1-22, 2012: Display/share your work locally in your own community. This could be on the walls at work or school, in a hospital, a public library, gallery, bank, local café or restaurant -- wherever you feel comfortable sharing your vision. You may want to join together with a group of participants to find a place where you can display your work together.

April 23-30, 2012: Exchange your art with the person or group with whom you've been matched. The art you receive will be yours to keep, and likewise, the art you send off will be kept as a gift of global friendship. It would be nice to include a photo of yourself and a personal note.

Finally, as a completion of the Global Art Project for Peace exchange, you may choose to display the art which you've received so that people in your community have an opportunity to experience the diverse visions of global unity from around the world.

You may document your art and the people who created it to be included in the GAP Art Bank. Label the documentary material with name, address, medium and size. Send it to the GAP address. Materials will not be returned.

Download a PDF of the 2012 GAP brochure in English

Global Art Project Angel Corps
You could also participate in the Angel Corps. Here's how it works: If a person or group hasn't heard from their GAP exchange partner by the end of June, they could contact us and we'll connect them with a group or individual in the Angel Corps who will send them artwork. People may register to participate in either the exchange, the Angel Corps…or both. Angel Corps participants are angels because they will create and send art, although they know they won't receive anything from the person or group to whom they're sending their's purely an act of love and generosity.
To participate in the Angel Corps, fill out a separate GAP Registration via Mail Form and write “Angel Corps” on it with a highlighter. We’ll contact you after June 2012 to let you know where to send your art. No fee is required to participate in the Angel Corps.

Let's All Join Hands is another element of the Global Art Project for Peace. People are invited to send a paper outline of their hand with their name, country, and wish for global peace, love, and friendship on it to the Global Art Project. The hands may be created and sent to GAP at any time. Volunteers in Tucson string the hands together as a visual expression of the thousands of people who join their energy together to create Peace. The paper hands are exhibited as a source of inspiration and a book of paper hands The Handbook for Peace is planned for publication.

Global Art Project Videos
(Click the play button on videos below to watch)

Video 1 - Global Art Project for Peace | Mills College 2009

The following two videos are available for purchase on 1 DVD. Click Here for purchasing Info.

Video 2 - About the Global Art Project for Peace:
2006 KUAT-TV interview of Global Art Project for Peace Founder/Director Katherine Josten.

Video 3 - 1999 Exhibition at the Tucson Museum of Art.:
Produced by KUAT-TV.

Global Art Project Peace Pledge:
Presentation by Katherine Josten at
The Village School, Pacific Palisades, California

Peace Pledge: With love In my heart, I join with others,
To create peace, On Earth. (x3), YES!



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