Residency Program




Parag Tandel

Parag Tandel

Resident Dates: 2018/05/01 - 2018/05/31
Installation Art

Artist statement:Parag’s artistic practice emerges from what He encounter and see around him, from his immediate surroundings and the scenery He is familiar with, as thinker how He intervene into these spaces and forms in contemporary times. He often draws inspiration from — and make use of —simple, quotidian objects from his childhood. His works highlights the changes that have taken place over the last few decades within his community. The process of his work showcases the tale of nature’s evolution and survival as a result of Mumbai's unparalleled and often unplanned growth. The materials and forms of everyday symbols He grew up with, manifest in his work. Paras work stems from the idea of using found objects, to reuse them, and then construct fresh entities. He inquire into the history as well as contemporary times of his community. He has grown up listening to chronicles of the past, which, for him are almost fable-like. These fables are beginning to turn into myth, they are transforming into layers similar to the residue structures in our minds. For him, it is not only about breaking into a meticulous spot in his inventive practice but also using a method that fills in the gaps.

Solo exhibitions:
2018:  ‘Autopolisphilia’  Curated by Noopur Desai at Sudarshan art gallery, Pune, India.
2016:  ‘Chronicle’ solo at Tarq art gallery, Mumbai.
2010: ‘Pregnant Room 2 ' Solo at Pundole art gallery, Mumbai.
2008: ‘Pregnant Room 1’ Solo at Pundole art gallery, Mumbai.

Workshops /Public Art Projects /residencies:
2017: Encounters 2017, ‘Daily Rations’ Public art project,  curated by Artoxygen Breathing art works, Mumbai.
2017: Piramal art residency, Piaramal art Foundation, Mumbai.
2015: Geographies of consumptions, a public art project curated by Mohile Parikh center, Mumbai, India.
2015: Space 118 , residency for two months, Mumbai, India.
2012: public art project ‘BIG CATCH’ for kalaghoda festival , sponsored by Pundole art gallery ,Mumbai, India.
2011: ‘Sandarbh’ one month research residency, Partapur, Rajasthan,India.
2010:’Fluid city’ Public art project curated by Art Oxygen and Mohile Parekh Center, Mumbai, India.
2009: Sandarbh site specific workshop, Partapur, Rajasthan, India.

Collaborative Organization

Works in residency

Salt of ocean, Salt as portion,
Moon attached in the midst of ocean.
Water in pan will turn into salt soon.
They disappeared, salt pan into woods,
Soon I will transform into concrete woods.

Sir. Sun god is meeting Mr. Moon to discuss about mysterious dark matters. 
“Dark water is not listening to me sir”,
“Ask Barnacles and Corals to clean”,
“Ask Mangrove forest to clean”
“Ask water to clean water”,
“Ask clouds to clean, faster !!”,
“You know Sir they all are sell-fish”;
“Mister Moon, is there anything fishy going on ?; Then ask fish to clean it”,
“Sir we should call fisherman, he is the only hope”,
“I am no more Fisherman,
“Sssssssstop you fool little Chanda mama or I shall disconnect your shine which is mine”,
“Mister Moon this is time of extinction”,
“Mister fishyman I have task for you”,
“We need your help to dry the fishes, save them all as much as you can, as soon as as possible”;
“Mister Moon call his sisters they can do this soon”
“Mister Moon we are nearly doomed, enlighten them or I will fight with them”.
“I am frightened Sir, fruit of Eden had given them knowledge.
“Ask Lord Vishnu to take away knowledge and He was base of all resources during Samudra Manthana”.
“Take all resources back”.
“Sir what about me”
“Mister Moon we need to save everything before Lord Shiva the destroyer, destroys everything”
“Sir we can ask Lord Bramha the creator to create once again”
“Call Matzu, we need to seat on Table and have discuss about Dark waters”
“But sir”
“We need to restart again”
“My dear Moon process has already begin”
“Disconnect everything!! Yes, everything and mumify every bit of it”

- Parag Kashinath Tandel

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