The Landscape of Tanshui River
To do the project wit the Bamboo Curtain Studio and its director Margaret Shiu Tan and all members, could give all the full gymnastic to realize it properly on site and with the community in Chu-Wei, this is a very important element which permits that art is really within the landscape which means in everyday life.
Art Intervention into the Community: the Cultural Landscape of Urban Spaces
By Dr. Huang Hai-Ming / The Bamboo Curtain Studio’s “Tanshui River Art Intervention Project” will begin on the 26th Oct. till 24th Nov with a Festival of “Art and Environment at Chu Wei”. This Environmental Art Festival will include an alternative way of presenting open spaces between the Chu Wei township and the riverbank.
「城市與河流的交會」竹圍環境藝術節 策劃顧問:黃海鳴/ 竹圍工作室以「淡水河流域的藝術介入計畫」為主題,於十月二十六日至十一月二十四日間舉辦《竹圍環境藝術節》。
「城市與河流的交會」竹圍環境藝術節 竹圍工作室負責人語 / 空間的感知能力,是人類與生俱來的。對於自然空間的缺乏,每個人的忍耐程度不同。我們自主性的選擇為群居動物,但在現實生活中,若這樣的選擇已變成重大的壓力,是否值得?