
法國 | pitch sessions for future circus productions at CIRCa festival


將在法國舉行的 CIRCa festival 開始召集國外藝術家囉!詳請請上申請網站查訊,申請日期到2012年8月20日止!

As part of the CIRCa festival (26 Oct – 4 Nov) in France, foreign artists and artistic companies attending the festival can apply to present future projects and productions.

HorsLesMurs offers 2 ʻpitch sessionsʼ dedicated to Future Circus Productions on 29 and 31 October at Ciné 32:

•  Monday, 29 October will be devoted to Foreign artistic projects (artists / artistic companies based outside France & Belgium)

•  Wednesday, 31 October will be devoted to French artistic projects.

These meetings are a special time during which artistic companies present their future creation and express their needs in terms of partnerships, residencies, production, coproductions, ʻpreorderʼ in front of an audience of promoters (festivals, venues, artistic residency centres/ programmes, producers, etc).

Split into 2 sessions (10am – 1pm), 40 circus companies present orally, for 8 minutes, their project: artistic/aesthetic concept, circus disciplines, technical requirements, production needs. Possibility to have a slide show or short video. There is no registration fee and HorsLesMurs staff members provide simultaneous translation English-French for foreign professionals.

Each project submitted must be new (to be premiered in 2013 / 2014). There is no selection: any company can apply, but since seats are limited, only the first ones will be able to participate.

Find out all the details online – deadline for sending application is 20 August!
