
Bamboo Curtain Studio - Space Rental

August 15,2012
Studio News

The Bamboo Curtain Studio was established in 1995 as an independently-managed and self-funded organization, providing short-term space to national and international artists and art groups. Artists could apply for residency, produce and make works, do research and experiment with their concepts; at the same time, BCS aimed to encourage community development, and art education. BCS is, since 2011, registered as a non-profit organization (NPO).

The total area of the studio is 2,645 square meters and it is located in Zhuwei, near the MRT Zhuwei Station, along the lone green pathway linking Taipei City to Tamsui river, and adjacent to a bike path. The studio contains 5 live-in studios, and a multi-functional space for exhibitions, meetings and performances called “12 pillars”.  In addition, the “Exchange Center”and “ The Coop” can host seminars, exhibitions and workshops as well. The sculpture studio offers various equipment, including an electric kiln, pug mill, soldering iron, electric saw tables, electronic band saw, compressors, and grinding machines, etc. There is a kitchen, an outdoor stage, a plaza and a garden, and various public spaces. Currently, long-term resident groups are the Sunson Theatre and ceramics artists CHEN Cheng-Hsun, and WU Wei-Ku. 

Discounts are provided to arts groups, students, artists resident in the Tamsui area, and former resident artists. For more information, please contact Lana Hsieh at 02-8809 3809.
List of groups/ arts activities using BCS space in 2012:

What’s Young performing arts group
Dept. of Interior Design, Shu-Te University
SHI, Shi-Ping
No-Fear-Of-Tiger Theatre Group
1911 Theater
Dept. of Fine Arts, Taiwan University of Arts
Chang Jing-Fang
Chen Liang-Hsun
Hu Chia/ Miea Theater Group
Sunson Theater
Fantasy Theater
......others in the pipeline!

For Space Rental, Please Call Ms. HSIEH: 02-88093809 or 02-28081465.
