李善熙 Sunhee Lee

李善熙1984年出生,2007年畢業於忠南大學藝術學院雕塑系,2011取得國民大學藝術研究所雕塑碩士,現居住工作於韓國。其個展經驗包含2014年「So many ways to begin 」於韓國安山的京畿道創意中心、2016年「The way to see the sky in my life」於韓國首爾的 Indie Art Hall GONG 藝廊、2017年「Thought from the past for the days to live」於韓國首爾的班竹小屋(Banjul Chalet)等。曾於大邱藝術工廠、Artist Residency TEMI、ClayArch 金海美術館、京畿道藝術中心、清洲藝術工作室等單位駐村。2018年,善熙受韓國「Mite-Ugro」推薦,獲選竹圍工作室「國際藝術進駐交換計畫」,自9月2日起至竹圍工作室駐村兩個月。
The question was when the agony of what was needed to live arrived in Taiwan. The first day, after being pickpocketed, the safety of living well and how to overcome difficult situations became the subject of work. During the night alone in the studio, I thought about many things while sewing for a month. The hands were busy, but the head was looking for answers. And I could find psychological stability. They made a curtain shaped like a safety window or net, and decorated the stone blocks that were picked up from the road.
Interest in the local community, various workshops, events, and various cultural arts were impressive. And the concern about the environment was also impressive. When I came back to Korea, I started collecting fruit peel. I will try to making and using enzymes. And plastic bags are also being collected. It would be great if I could experiment with what I saw and felt in Taiwan and use it in my work.