駐村藝術家Timbil「手作顯微鏡與樹梅坑溪水域探訪」工作坊 Electronic microscope and water testing workshop by Timbil the creative engineer | 4.26

工作坊簡介 About workshop
This one-day workshop is a collaboration project with Timbil, the creative chemical engineer Mr. Chen, 4th-5th grade science teacher. In the morning, Timbil will demonstrate to the students how to create the electronic microscope using webcam. Afterward, the students will test the water quality, collected from Plum Tree Creek - A trip to the Plum Tree Creek will be led by Bamboo Curtain Studio in the afternoon. The goal of this workshop is to demonstrate to the students how to apply science in their daily life; while raise environmental awareness.
藝術家簡介 About Artist
Agus Tri Budiarto(Timbil)出生在印尼的日惹,他是一個生物龐克 (biopunk)愛好者,在自家後院的葡萄酒酒商,同時也是lifepatch.org的共同創辦人和hackteria.org貢獻者,並進行過多項食物性實驗,首創「FoodLab」。他在University of National Development Veteran(UPN-Veteran)取得化學工程學位。自2003年以来,他一直以一個科學公民的身份,積極參與日惹社區活動並關心在地的生態環境與問題。駐村期間,他與竹圍地區的科學老師合作,提供學生們有趣的工作坊,包括用廉價的電子攝影鏡頭變身微電子顯微鏡、以及集魚器,可用於觀察樹梅坑溪裡的微生物,並作記錄。
合作教師簡介 About Teacher
時間與地點 Time and location
地點:竹圍工作室 Bamboo Curtain studio
工作坊內容 Content
時間 | 內容 | 備註 |
9:00-9:20 | 報到 Registration | |
9:20-9:30 | 開場 Opening | |
9:30-12:00 |
顯微鏡製作與植物測試 Microscope making, testing with the slide glass |
12:00-13:30 | 午餐休息 Lunch and break | 午餐自備 Please prepare child’s own lunch |
13:30-15:30 |
帶著顯微鏡走訪樹梅坑溪,實地檢測與紀錄 Testing with microscope along the Plum Tree Creek. Try to record the ideas after using the device |
名額 People
Welcome 4 to 6 grades students to sign up (open for 25 students).
費用 Fee
免費 For Free
報名與聯絡方式 Sign up and contact with us
報名網址sign up:http://goo.gl/forms/3TJqbbYxib
聯絡人contact:洪小姐 Sherry 0910341703
注意事項 Note
午餐自備 Please prepare child’s own lunch.
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