
竹圍工作室與印度TIFA和Ashvita gallery合作國際藝術進駐交換計劃受邀前來的藝術家Chinnasamy Krishnaswamy,在松山文創園區戶外空間進行的行為藝術創作。

行為藝術:「All Imperceptible Attractive Energy」

2016-07-22 19:00   至   20:00 加入 Google 行事曆
110 臺北市信義區光復南路133號


演出概念 The Performance



我扛著電視在頭上,在臺北城市散步。在我散步過程中,「The loud report 」錄像將會在電視中播放,這將會是個一小時的演出。

(Why I carry the TV on head) Human beings are carrying a lot of burdens on their head for their survival. This act is reflection of the practice. Monitor has become a part and parcel of the (burdens) life today (TV, mobile, computer,......). Everything is combined, except human relations! I don't know whether it is good or bad, but remains imperceptible attractive force.

Our culture must be preserved for the next generation to show the way to implement it. Human relationships and values are more important than anything else I think. That's why I am doing this performance.

I carry the TV on my head, go for a walk in the city of Taipei. During my walk The loud report video will be running on the TV. This could be a one hour performance.

The Loud Report (八分鐘的錄像紀錄內容8 inutes video art documentary description)


In rural India, during the temple festivals It is a kind of positive vibe will explode out side of the temple. Its inner meaning, a positive announcement to invite the people who are living in around of the area, auspicious occasions going to be happen. Let's join together.  This is one of the indigenous practice, I believe that, this kind of culture will also be here. Now in India a 80 year old man who only knows how to handle it, this traditional practice is exist only one temple in Tamilnadu, South India. After him, the culture is endangered. I would like to the show art documentary of its.

演出資訊 Information

名稱 Performance:All Imperceptible Attractive Energy
藝術家 Artist:Chinnasamy Krishnaswamy
時間 Time:2016.07.22(五)19:00-20:00
地點 Location:松山文創園區戶外空間The outdoor space of Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

藝術家資訊 About Artist


110 臺北市信義區光復南路133號