Chinnasamy Krishnaswamy

Krishnaswamy 生長於南印度的Chinnasalem,Tamil Nadu,大學在清奈(Chennai)的 of Arts and Crafts主修於藝術繪畫,2005年於同校修習藝術繪畫碩士。作為瑜珈的實踐者,以及藝術創作者,瑜珈讓Krishnaswamy更有感於身體的廣大與限制,其創作也延伸自練習瑜珈的經驗。
他試著藉由視覺媒介、在帆布上表演瑜珈、在他心靈的身體與心智狀態留下蓋印,來探索這些經驗。在「Kundali Rising」這項身體的作品中,他試著探索自己的根源:是什麼讓他成為一個人、以及一連串的身體與心智特色?Krishnaswamy與一位攝影師合作,Krishnaswamy在他的村莊制作了一個攝影與影像的身體演出(Contradicting Equilibrium of the Existing Senses),用自然的土地埋藏並轉換自身。
Krishnaswamy探索滋養著他的周遭環境。出於器物商業的背景,他也曾演出一系列從器皿浮現脫胎的表演。死寂的物件生產出活潑的主題,那麼,試問「活」與「非活」之間的界限位於何處?生命、死亡、與知覺的提問,以及這些提問之間的灰色地帶開始參與到他的生活中(「No Truths No Lies – This Form is Breathing」)。他看著那些問題的偽裝,像是當人體是靈魂的某種偽裝時,人類所接受的某種面具(Disguised Forms)。對他來說,被市場之地和對於錢的慾望羈絆的心靈,變成一個緊迫的問題,Krishnaswamy藉著作品「Existence between the Unfettered Mind and the Transitional Object」進以探究。
今年(2016)竹圍工作室與TIFA Working Studios合作國際藝術進駐交換計劃。6月,Krishnaswamy由TIFA Working Studios推薦至竹圍工作室駐村,並由竹圍工作室推薦臺灣藝術家丘智華至印度駐村。
TIFA(Talera Institution of Fine & Applied Arts)Working Studios位於浦那市中心火車站附近,前身為Hotel Wellesley,藝術家的居住、創作空間則位於鄰近的Hotel Shalimar。Hotel Wellesley興建於1910 年,現今TIFA Working Studios的負責人Trishla Talera以此為基地,階段性地邀請國際藝術家進駐,並以工作室(Studio Art)的方式創作,藉此籌備成立當地的藝術學校。
"All Imperceptible Attractive Energy" performance happened at Songshan creative park, because of all the BCS team members worked together for that performance, though the whole process of the performance I faced little difficulties, but finally it went well. My heartfelt thanks to the all BCS team members.
I really liked the some of the traditional disguised performances and folk music, food, but I couldn't meet tribal indigenous people and prehistoric sites etc. So many imperceptible experiences stored in my inner consciousness, but definitely it will transform through my art work. As an artist I came to Taipei like a blank canvas. After getting there, the understanding on Taiwan have increased manifold. Taiwan is a place full of many surprises and mysteries, and sincerely felt that 28 days was not enough. I have a sense will be back to Taipei Taiwan.