The Little Bamboo Living Room 2013: Bamboo Curtain Studio & Shin Leh Yuan Art Space

Bamboo Curtain Studio and the SLY Art Space join together to invite domestic and international artists from a variety of arts residency programs in Taipei to share their experiences and projects with the public. A reflection on the overall support in the arts in Taiwan could be made through the international perspectives of art and culture in social, environmental, and financial contexts.
I. Who Takes Care of Artists?
8/17 Sat. 14:20 @ SLY Art Space
In Sweden, the social welfare systemguarantees a 480-day period maternal/paternal leave for both parents before the newborn turns 7 years old. For 450 days out of those 480 days, each parent could receive 80% of his or her regular salary. This model means that a Swedish female artist with children could participate in international residency programs with her whole family without having to worry about dire financial circumstances. What about other countries? How could women artists find the balance between family, art practice, and survival without support from their governments?
Coordinator: Wen-Tsao Lin (SLY Art Space, Taiwan)
Panelists: Christin Wahlstrom (HallandsKonstmuseum, Sweden), Lena Bui (San Art, Vietnam), Shweta Bhattad (KOHJ, India), Gintani NurApresia Swastika (Cemeti Art House, Indonesia), Pei-San Wu (Taiwanese fiber artist), Yi-Hua Lee (SLY Art Space, Taiwan), Wan-Lin Chang (SLY Art Space, Taiwan)
II. Who Needs Artists?
8/25 Sun. 14:30 @ SLY Art Space
Art As Environment- A Cultural Action at the Plum Tree Creek of Bamboo Curtain Studio, Taiwan, and Act for Sea of the 12th Fringe da Cidade de Macau, Macau are both projects that connect art, the environment, and community members to launch programs incorporating education, communities, exhibitions, and performances on culture and the environment. Through the dialogue between the two projects, we begin to think about the identity of artists as medium for social change in the context of the environment.
Coordinator: Sih-Fong Wu (Writer)
Panelists: Catherine Lee (Bamboo Curtain Studio, Taiwan), chong+neng (no.47 art space, Macau), Wen-Lin Huang (SLY Art Space, Taiwan), Yun-chieh Tseng (SLY Art Space, Taiwan)
III. What do Artists Need?
8/30 Fri. 19:00 @ Bamboo Curtain Studio- Open Kitchen
(Part of the Open Studio program at Bamboo Curtain Studio)
Margaret Shiu, the Director of Bamboo Curtain Studio, will talk about the different residency programs, their application processes and financial assistance from around the world. The current and past resident artists of Bamboo Curtain Studio, and also artists with extensive residency experiences are invited to share their stories and tips about programs that they had participated.
Coordinator: Margaret Shiu (Bamboo Curtain Studio, Taiwan)
Panelists: Christin Wahlstrom (HallandsKonstmuseum, Sweden), Shweta Bhattad (KOHJ, India), Gintani NurApresia Swastika (Cemeti Art House, Indonesia), chong+neng (no.47 art space, Macau), Wen-Tsao Lin (SLY Art Space, Taiwan), and other artists friends...