2017.10.11-12.17 永續藝術的合創與想像 — Francis Sollano & Lua Rivera 系列個展

October 7,2017

We invite you to join our opening events on October 14th and 15th.

開幕導覽+講座 Opening Events - Tour+Talk
廢青不廢-新視野講座 Youth for Action!-Artist Talk
地點:再生藝術工坊(台北市建國南路一段177號 / 空總TAF創新基地)
Venue:Creative Reuse Center
Price:Free. On-site registration is welcome (We provide English-Chinese Translation)

詳細資訊請點選圖片或此處 Click picture or here for more information.



2016及2017年,竹圍工作室以「觸發改變的創藝連結(Creative Collaboration as Catalyst for Change)」命題,接待數十位國內外藝術家前來駐村,將藝術的「跨國/跨域合創」視為促成無國界文化交流的催化劑,同時透過參與式創作工作坊及藝術家座談,藉由藝術領導大眾深化與具體化對於環境永續的認知,其中不乏在在討論,從每一日的生活當中,我們到底能做什麼以改變現狀?

本次與再生藝術工坊合作此系列個展,邀請菲律賓藝術家Francis Sollano與墨西哥藝術家Lua Rivera以兩種不同的概念及手法切入,利用各式回收材料創作,並導入個人情感連結,期待以此作為藝術創作者融合環境友善理念與創作的範例。Francis Sollano的展覽作為此系列第一波,以「媽媽的後院 Mama’s Backyard」為題展出其作品。

運用廢棄旗幟重建記憶中「媽媽的後院」  Francis Sollano實踐永續藝術

菲律賓藝術家Francis Sollano個展「媽媽的後院 Mama’s Backyard」自10月11日起至11月19日於再生藝術工坊展出,為竹圍工作室主辦「永續藝術的合創與想像」系列第一波個展,第二波為墨西哥藝術家Lua Rivera個展「關係鏈:來自藝術、生物與結構的對話 Nexus: A dialogue of art, biology and architecture」將於11月25日開幕。「媽媽的後院 Mama’s Backyard」將於10月14日下午2時舉辦開幕活動(包含導覽及座談會),10月15日與「創作x討論x午茶──來玩『圓桌廢議』」合作,於傍晚5時舉辦藝術家座談會。


“Collaboration and Imagination in Arts and Sustainability” Francis Sollano and Lua Rivera series solo Exhibition

Adviser: Ministry of Culture

Organizer: Bamboo Curtain Studio

Co-organizer: Creative Reuse Centre , Zhuwei Elementary School, Youth For Livable Cebu, Beautiful Taiwan Non-governmental Organization

Bamboo Curtain Studio constantly contemplates on what role do we play and what responsibilities do we have as an art creator and a non-profit organization. To us at Bamboo Curtain Studio, arts and sustainability aren't just only a pronoun for reducing any forms of consumption, but also a deeper level of thinking.

In the year of 2016 and 2017, Bamboo Curtain Studio set the theme to Creative Collaboration as Catalyst for Change and host dozens of artists from all over the globe. We see this transnational/ trans-border collaboration as an enzyme to bring upon cross-border cultural encounters, and also by holding participative workshops and artists forums, we seek to deepen and form a concrete concept on sustainable environment, in which we also discuss what we can change in our day-to-day life to introduce the change in the current situation.

This time we again collaborate with Creative Reuse Centre, invited Filipino artist Francis Sollano and Mexican artist Lua Rivera to work with different concept and tactics, implementing new medium using recycled materials infused with personal emotional connections, hoping to set a good example of artists integrating the perception of friendly environment and creating artworks.

Mama's backyard (10/11-11/19)

The formation of Mama's backyard went through six workshops and the teaching of series of designing concepts and techniques and was finally created by Francis Sollano with volunteers of Zhuwei elementary school. The idea of the exhibition comes from the living memory of Sollano's home in Cebu- the feeling of being surrounded by flowers and trees. Sollano's love for nature is an early discovery for himself, he dedicates his works to environment preservation, hoping to bring lights to other people and encourage the love for nature through his creative projects. This exhibition also dedicates to his loving mother Adelina Sollano, who gave all her life to her family and created an environment where nature is all around for her kids to grow.

Francis' work combines commercial objects and conceptual dress designs, which builds up an easier idea for audiences to look for beauty in everyday life and objects. He utilizes the abandoned banners that Beautiful Taiwan Non-Governmental Organization has donated, demonstrates how to resuscitate a seemingly inutile object to life. Every fragment in his work represents an unique and specific technique such as sewing, folding and applique. 



