



一、創藝駐村計畫/Creative Talents Program


We would like to invite you to use the space, history, resources or managing system of BCS to continue developing the theme of “Rule of the Game”. Internally re-evaluate the accumulation of our past, and transform the energy to challenge the rigid system of the
external system, to reverse the current mindset. We welcome creative talents to propose an innovative and critical idea to rethink how to break the original rule of game. Why the current rule is not practical anymore, and how to build up a new rule? Why we need to change, and can change lead us to a better direction?

【獲選藝術家 Selected Artists】

 1. 劉純良(TW)/「聆聽・時間・發酵」

 2. CC_Issay Rodriguez and Anjo Bolarda(PH)/「B+」

 3. Jo Hodges and Robbie Coleman(UK) /「Leap of Faith」

【備取藝術家 Waiting List】

 1. 陳雯柔(TW)/「在風景消失前:碎裂與拚補」

 2. Tiare Ribeaux (CA)/「Aqua Memories - Aqua Forms」



二、菌絲網絡社會計劃/Mycelium Network Society Project

2018年,受藝術家鄭淑麗Shu Lea Cheang邀請,加入「菌絲網絡社會」(MNS)計畫,成為節點之一。菌絲體有其特殊的生態系統,與其他生物共生,也在⻝物鏈中扮演重要的角色。其分支透過不同的節點不斷的串連與生⻑,並影響著其他生物。人類社會的生活模式是否也如此? 此徵件邀請對菌絲創作有興趣的創藝者,以社會連結(social engagement)為發想前提,媒材不拘。

Artist, Shu-Lea Cheang (Taiwan born and US base now), invite BCS to join in the Mycelium Networking Society as one of the nodes. Mycelium has its own special system. It co-exists with other species and plays a very important role in food chain. The branch of Mycelium continuously connecting, growing and influence other living species. Is it also similar like living nodes/modes of human society?This open call welcome proposals related to Mycelium. We encouraged concepts related to social engagement. Any medium is welcome.

【獲選藝術家 Selected Artist】


【備取藝術家 Waiting List】

  Elvia Teotski (FR)/「Mycelium project」

三、本次評審 Judges:

洪秉綺 (竹圍工作室營運總監)
王柏偉 (在地實驗計劃論壇 主持人)
蘇珀琪 (鳳甲美術館 館長)
鄭惠文 (藝評、竹圍工作室 2018 年「創藝駐村計劃」獲選藝術家)

Iris HUNG, Ping-Chi ( Managing Director of Bamboo Curtain Studio )
Po-Wei WANG ( Director of Etat Forum )
Frankie SU, Po-Chi ( Director of Hong-gah Museum )
Fiona CHENG, Hui-Wen ( 2018 BCS Creative Talent / Art Critic )

