
Artists in Transit | 徵求藝術家部落客


IGBK 希望徵求同時也是部落客的藝術家,只要可以用英文撰寫你的駐村、工作與旅行經驗,並把文章發布在他們的部落格上,就可以嘗試與他們合作。At a.RTISTS IN TRANSIT 長期尋找願意與大家分享經驗的藝術家,主要據點在德國柏林,從1957年開始,他們已經協助超過13,000位視覺藝術家進行國際交流。

IGBK Weblog a.RTISTS IN TRANSIT__Call for Artists to write about their experiences of residencies, working and travelling abroad for the visual arts mobility blog.

At a.RTISTS IN TRANSIT (http://blog.igbk.de) artists who work and travel or do a residency abroad have been sharing experiences on their mobile lives since the end of 2010. IGBK now calls for further visual artists working internationally who like to write (in English language) and who feel like exchanging experiences online.

Apply by email (IGBK office: art@igbk.de)

The weblog is linked to the IGBK conference a.RTISTS IN TRANSIT that took place in October 2011 at the Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin (www.igbk.de/projekte/artists-in-transit-2011). A documentation on that conference will be published in August.

The Internationale Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste (IGBK), based in Berlin, unites Germany’s three most important national artist associations: Bundesverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler (Federal Association of Artists), Deutscher Künstlerbund (German Artists’ Association) and GEDOK, Verband der Gemeinschaften der Künstlerinnen und Kunstförderer (Federation of Women Artists and Patrons of the Arts). We therefore represent more than 13,000 visual artists in Germany. The association was founded in 1957 as the German National Committee of the International Association of Art (IAA).

We advice visual artists regarding work opportunities and grants in Germany and abroad and provide international contacts. We also help with formalities with respect to (exhibition) projects abroad and provide information regarding transport and customs issues, for example. Thereby IGBK facilitates access to the diverse range of international work and exchange opportunities and promotes cross-border mobility.
