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Can Serrat 國際藝術中心徵求作家駐村,你可以住在國家公園裡的藝術中心,除了風景優美之外,交通也相當便利,就在巴塞隆納的四十公里外而已。申請時間只到2012年7月31日,並有30天的駐村時間。
Spain | Can Serrat writer residency
Writers can apply now for a 30 day free residency at Can Serrat international Art Centre, located in the natural park of the Montserrat mountains, just 40 km away from Barcelona!
Can Serrat offers a Writer Full Stipend which entitles the winner to a 30-day residency including free accomodation in shared room, breakfast and dinner (except Sundays), and shared access to multi disciplinary studio space. The residency is open to writers in all fields, regardless of nationality or age. All chosen candidates have the opportunity to do a reading at the centre. The AIR are responsible for all extra personal living expenses, travel and insurance costs, telephone charges and any other expenses during their stay.
Each recipient may choose a 30-day time slot with the same calendar month, dating up to 12 months from the time of original notification (assuming space is available at that time).
Writers Full Stipend Candidates are asked to send from July 1st to July 31st at canserrat@jazzivins.com *:
• Curriculum Vitae / Resume
• Cover letter describing artist statement and project/work planned for the residency period.
• 10 page sample of recent work (i.e. completed poems, prose, plays or scripts).
*There is no official application form / all documents need to be supplied in English.
Applicants for the full stipend are automatically considered for a Support stipend.
For more information on the residency, please visit our blog at www.canserratart.com and our webpage at www.canserrat.org!