
美國 ICPP 2013-2014 申請開始

October 24,2012

美國 ICPP 在2013到2014年度的課程、計畫與活動開放報名!美國 ICPP 成立於2010年,是藝術管理和策展人的專門協會,他們在Wesleyan University進行藝術管理與策展人的相關工作坊、課程與計畫,每年都開放來自世界各地的申請。


Institution for Curatorial Practice in Performance ( ICCP)
ICCP Certificate Program





ICCP 網站:


Applications for 2013-14 now available

Applications are available online for ICPP's 2013-14 professional certificate program at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut.

The certificate in Curatorial Practice in Performance is designed for performing arts professionals such as presenters, festival directors, and arts managers, as well as visual arts curators or professionals from other fields who are interested in including performance practice in their work. The program lasts nine months and consists of online coursework with three on-campus residency periods:

July 12–28, 2013
November 15–18, 2013
March 8-11, 2014

The certificate program is designed for working professionals who want to enhance their skills and knowledge base, allowing career advancement, or, if new to the field, preparation for work at a presenting instiution or as an indepedent curator. Students will take courses in artistic and curatorial practice, social and cultural context, and entreprenurial strategies and create an independent project in consultation with an advisor. Visiting artists, curators, and professionals will be invited to residency periods, creating a dynamic and creative environment for investigating new curatorial models for contemporary performance.

Current instructors include ICPP Director Samuel A. Miller; Wesleyan faculty Katja Kolcio, Nicole Stanton, and Mari Dumett; and field professionals Philip Bither of the Walker Art Center, Doryun Chong of MoMA, and Judy Hussie-Taylor of Danspace Project and ethnomusicologist Steven Taylor.

Applications are due February 1. Visit the ICPP website for an application and more information, or email icpp@wesleyan.edu with specific questions. 

"Trends in Curatorial Practice: The Value and Values of Performing Arts Curators"
An Information Session & Panel Discussion with ICPP
Monday, October 29, 6:30-8pm

Come hear about the Institute for Curatorial Practice in Performance on Monday, October 29, 6:30-8pm in San Francisco.

David Milch, ICPP Program Coordinator, will speak about the program and moderate a discussion about trends in curatorial practice between current ICPP students and a recent graduate of the program. Panelists will include Sarah Curran, Programming Director at Stanford Institute for Creativity and the Arts, Christine Bolingbroke, Theater Director at ODC Theater, Megan Brian, Education and Public Programs Coordinator at SFMOMA, and Julie Potter, Community Engagement Program Assistant at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts.

Monday, October 29, 6:30-8pm
ODC Theater Building
3153 17th Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

6:30-7:00pm — mingle and enjoy light refreshments
7:00-8:00pm — brief info session; panel discussion; Q&A

For more information and to RSVP, please email icpp@wesleyan.edu with “SF” in the subject line.

Look for ICPP students & faculty at upcoming conferences

The ICPP will have a presence at these upcoming conferences: National Performance Network (NPN) in Philadelphia in December and the Assosciation for Performing Arts Presenters (APAP) in New York City in January. Details coming soon.

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