Song Seng

Seng 為 Cambodian Living Arts 在暹粒市計畫的主持人,他已擁有12年擔任製作人、經理、主持人以及藝術行政的經驗,來領導小鎮裡社區的活化與藝術交往發展。Seng 在 Cambodian Living Arts 開始他的職涯,嘗試復振瀕臨消失邊緣的表演藝術形式,以及傳承老一輩藝術大師的遺產。他開創柬埔寨許多節慶,並帶領藝術家參與國際展演。透過CLA的 Learning & Leadership Program,他為新興藝術家和經理人提供訓練和指導。他有一個夢想,期待每一位柬埔寨人都學習藝術,期待柬埔寨人帶著具國際水準的藝術以及最好的創作到國際藝術社群。
2016年,竹圍工作室與柬埔寨 Cambodian Living Arts(CLA)跨國合作「台柬文化領導人交流計劃」,邀請柬埔寨四位資深藝術行政工作者 HUOT Dara、ONN Sokny、SO Phina 與 SONG Seng 來台,透過 Frances Rudgard 的居中協調,此次交流為Cambodian Living Arts 每年針對文化領導人計畫的延伸交流版。此次在台以討論「文化領導人」為主軸,在台期間將拜訪臺灣不同文化藝術領域專業者:表演藝術團隊、文化藝術推廣團隊與資深工作者、文學與社群推廣團隊等,期待在跨文化交流中,分享彼此所知,就各自所碰到的問題和可行的解決方式、營運模式等互相討論,建立兩國藝術交流的平台。
本專案受「文化部翡翠計畫–東南亞人士來台文化交流合作」補助而成型,除密集的參訪外,安排有6月3日(五),18:30的「柬埔寨之夜」,以及於6月4日(六)舉行的「文化領導人工作坊 Cultural Leadership Workshop」。
Cambodian Living Arts 是獨立的非營利機構,致力於透過藝術改變柬埔寨。重塑與創新柬埔寨傳統舞蹈。與其他組織合作,提供環境,強化柬埔寨的藝術以及轉化個人和社群的關係。鼓勵藝術家和藝術社群的成長,推廣大眾對藝術認識,與文化立法單位和政府機關合作。鼓勵年輕與中生代的藝術行政在提升自我專業度。透過這些,目標是創造價值和了解柬埔寨自我認同,創造認同感和分享文化。相信透過創意,可以拓展身為人類無窮的可能性。
Throughout the two week schedule of the residency, we were scheduled to meet experienced arts professionals and Artistic Directors, to visit universities such as Taiwan National University of Arts (TNUA) and dance/circus companies as well as performing arts alliance and theaters, to present our work to the graduates of TNUA and to lead the workshop to present our experiences to Taiwanese cultural leaders. Moreover we met and presented our work to Cambodian-Taiwanese legislator.
There were many things or models I have gained or learned during this two-week residency, but key points I have learned from that are: Having the connection with Taiwanese arts professionals as well as Festival's Artistic Director that we can work together to create a collaborative work and even this connection can help lead us toward a wider network.
Apart from the Ministry of Culture, the City government of Taipei has been supporting a lot to the arts and culture sector. This is the thing that I need to improve in order to work closely with the city government of Siem Reap so that to engage them in more supports on the arts and culture activities. From the visit to Brilliant Time: South-East Asia Themed Bookstore and the Tree Music and Arts, Creating the space as the hub for the artists and non-artists to come to learn, share, and experiment about arts and culture such as presentation, conference, etc.
Through my experiences in travelling to some developed countries, Taiwan is the most inspiring to me. The people are very nice and so helpful and respectful. The place where we stay is so perfect that is connecting between the nature and the city. Everywhere, it is clean and structured. I have been jogging and biking every morning because of that inspiration and the people around.