野原位 Tadashi Nohara

1983年出生。2007年就讀於東京藝術大學影像研究所,指導老師為黑澤清。2009年擔任以伊坂幸太郎原著「Lush Life」為劇本的多段式電影中的「京子」(寺島忍主演)導演。同年擔任劇情長片「Elephant Love」(石田壱成主演)導演。2015年擔任導演濱口竜介的最新劇情長片「Happy Hour」的製片主任以及共同編劇。同年「Happy Hour」入圍第68屆盧卡諾影展國際競賽片,獲最佳女演員(們)、劇本Special Mention雙獎,並獲2016亞太電影獎(ASIA PACIFIC SCREEN AWARDS)最佳劇本。
野原位為竹圍工作室與日本「Beppu Project」合作「2016國際藝術進駐交換計畫」獲選藝術家,自2017年1月2日起於竹圍工作室駐村二個月。
2 月 25 日,野原位在竹圍工作室舉辦了駐村成果影片初剪的放映會――野原位創作初剪放映暨座談會。本次初剪長度約 70 分鐘,以雙畫面的方式呈現對話中兩方的態度與表情。野原位擷取了較易懂的片段讓大家欣賞,在剪接過程中,也特別選取能讓觀眾近一步了解部分電影製作流程的片段。
I held my workshop twice at Jan. and Feb. to make a new film in Taipei. This workshop has two purposes. One is that participants can communicate with each other beside language. The other is that they can appear my film peacefully as much as possible. I think that it is done successfully. I’m so happy that the participants have enjoyed the workshop and the shooting. And also, I have held the rush screening and Artist talk. Though this screening movie was not completed, I wanted to have a opportunity to show what I did in Taipei. And then I will edit the movie material and sound in Japan. After I complete my film, I hope that the film will be screened in Taipei and Japan.
The influence on my future work/projects is meeting the participants of my workshop. For my film, choosing actor and actress of my film is the most important for me. Because I have made my film with similar method of documentary film. The method is appointing amateurs in the film. It is important for me to build relationship with actor and actress. After I could know their personality, I could think about what kind of film I want to make. Fortunately, I could meet good participants for me. They are so attractive and kind. I was so glad to talk with them about the workshop and the film.
I was busy to prepare for shooting and I could not often interact with the BCS staffs. However, I always feel peaceful there because every staffs in the BCS attended us fully and I had many exciting experiences in Taipei. Especially I remember to have seen around Taipei from the river by boat along with local elementary school students. The landscape gave me a different impression seen it from trains and cars. I often remembered it while I considered what I should shoot in Taipei. Also, I think that the place which cherishes nature carefully was very suitable as a place to create. Perhaps every artists receive good influence from nature. The existence of dogs and various animals has healed me very much.