Ellie Irons

Ellie Irons 是為藝術家與教育者,目前定居在美國紐約布魯克林。她的創作使用不同媒材,探討人類與非人類的生物體在生態系中是如何對話。曾進駐洛磯山生態實驗室、岬角藝術中心和SVA自然實驗室。最近參加的聯展探討當代環境問題,包含社會生態學、緊急生態系統和持續的機會生態計畫。作品曾經在皇后博物館、中央公園內的阿森納畫廊、普拉特曼哈頓畫廊和威廉帕特森大學展出過。過去曾撰寫的文章也在臨時藝術評論網、布魯克林鐵路報和未來景觀建築中露出。2015年的時候,她拿到紐約電影學院洛杉磯校區獎學金和湍流委員會獎助(Turbulence Commission)。目前在布朗大學兼職。過去在斯克利普斯學院攻讀環境科學和藝術,並在紐約市立大學亨特學院獲取藝術創作碩士。
Ellie 在駐村期間將延續這幾年的計畫「Invasive Pigments」,對雜花雜草這類的城市野生植物做調查。藝術家將利用這類的植物轉換成水彩顏料。從研究發現,過往在紐約做計畫時,有些重要的植物來自於亞洲,她從未到過這些植物的原生地,所以這趟旅程也會成為她很重要的城市生態系統調查,找出在美國東部和台灣都有生長的野生植物,特別是找出這類大都會行植物與人類遷徙的關聯性。他將會利用這些特製顏料畫出植物圖以及用影像紀錄植物生長地,並邀請在地社群一起創作,一同了解自家生活周邊的野生植物。
I've learned a lot about the overlaps and differences between urban plant life in Zhuwei and the cities I'm familiar with in the United States. I've also had the chance to experiment with applying approaches I've used before in a new landscape.
I'm sure that what I've learned about plant life and urban ecology in Taipei will be an important part of my continued research. It's provided a really great opportunity to see and work with urban plants in a new setting. I'm looking forward to making more work (both drawings and videos) using the materials I collected during my stay.
The environment at BCS and surrounding area was extremely important to my work. I work site-specifically, and I found the location to be really inspirational- Plum Tree Creek, the history of development and urbanization in the area, the combination of mangroves, urban life, agriculture, pig farming, golf courses etc was fascinating from a land use perspective.