



Matt Chun

Matt Chun

駐村日期:2017/09/01 - 2017/10/30

Matt Chun 是一名在雪梨與Bermagui(在澳洲東岸的一個小漁村)之間工作的創作藝術家、作家與自由策展人。目前Matt的創作是大型的混合媒體畫作、蔓展延伸的雕塑裝置藝術與關係親密私人的旅行誌。Matt的藝術手法是從藝術史中的畫像、地景與靜物檢視文化交叉形式間的再呈現。

在2017年,Matt的人像作品展出在雪梨的 May Space、The Shirley Hannan 全國人像畫大獎與S.H. Ervin畫廊的 Salon des Refusés。作為一名作家,Matt檢視著澳洲的視覺文化與國家的身份認同,他也在最近為澳洲的文學雜誌Meanjin季刊寫作。

竹圍工作室的創藝人才計畫是Matt第二次在台北駐村。在2016年時,他得到在關渡國際藝術節獲選六位藝術家(駐村藝術家)資格的其中之一。在關渡時,Matt用手工的當地珊瑚礁創作了地域性的裝置藝術,並開始研究大自然間的材料與相關連文化對話之間的關係。2016年,Matt也曾駐村在雪梨西部的坎培拉的Nishi藝廊與卡蘇拉(Casula)Powerhouse 藝術中心 。



駐村期間 Matt 以觀音山為基地,每日前往山上觀察並繪畫地景、人物,同時透過瞭解觀音山的相關民間傳說與故事,加深其作品的想像。其作品參與竹圍工作室秋季工作室開放日並於當天分享其駐村計劃。



The environment of BCS was perfectly placed for my purposes, situated between the built and natural environments of the Tamsui area. The staff at BCS were excellent at facilitating discussions, connections and relationships both within and outside of the BCS space. In general, BCS is an exciting, active and engaging site. The space itself is comfortable and conducive to artistic experimentation and creativity.

Research and development towards a body of work and written material, to be exhibited in Australia in 2018. I spent a large part of my residency documenting the mountains of Gaunyinshan and Yangmingshan through drawing and photography, researching these spaces as social and cultural sites, and studying the associated religious and folkloric traditions.  During this residency, I created preliminary sketches in pencil and watercolour and wrote travelogue essays on the subject of liminal spaces; including the transitions between Taipei City and the the natural environment; and recording interactions with the people who use these spaces.

Several of my drawings from my BCS residency are currently hanging at May Space in Sydney, as part of a group exhibition titled Out of Line. A portion of my written travelogue on public space will be published this week in Runway, an Australian experimental art magazine. I will develop the results of my residency into a major solo exhibition in June 2018, also at May Space. Beyond this, I expect that my Taiwanese work will further influence my second solo exhibition at 107 Redfern, Sydney, in August 2018.
