Rebekah Anne Wilhelm

Rebekah Wilhelm是位專業藝術家及版畫家,目前在俄亥俄州克里夫蘭市工作。她完成了特拉華大學的美術碩士學位,並擁有克利夫蘭藝術學院的美術學士學位;接著花了一年的時間在費城進行教學及個人工作室的深耕,後回克利夫蘭藝術學院,在Tri-C社區學院以及聖母大學擔任兼職教授。
她主要的工作是裝置藝術和印刷,曾在美國各地展出多組策展以及旅遊類型的展覽,並於去年在德國舉辦了兩場集體展覽,也在紐約市鹽畫廊的個展中展出作品。Rebekah在德國德累斯頓完成了由俄亥俄州藝術委員會和德累斯頓市提供的藝術進駐交換,並致力於版畫製作中的綠色實踐, 並獲得了Zea Mays Printshop頒發的綠色版畫製作證書。
Rebekah將Zygote Press轉變為綠化工作室,Zygote Press也正在試驗並開發"綠色(無毒)石版畫技法",並將其引進工作室。她目前於俄亥俄州克利夫蘭的Zygote Press擔任經理。
The Cleveland Foundation
Rebekah Wilhelm worked on two main projects while here in Taiwan at Bamboo Curtain Studios.
During my time at Bamboo Curtain Studios I explored the concepts of barriers, or fences, as a symbol for structures of power and structures of safety. I worked with different features of the fences I experienced on my daily walk through the city. During my walks I would pick up broken parts of the fence that I found on the roadway and brought them back to the studio and documented the fragments, then used the metal to make a pigment to create an installation on the roadway in relation to the fence’s origin. Another part of my exploration into the concepts of the barrier or fence I created a fence out of paper to challenge the idea of the finality of the safety structures that we as humans construct for ourselves. The fragility of those structures and the construction of the systems of safety that we create for ourselves I explore and question with the use of paper construction of the symbol of the fence.
Another aspect of my project here at Bamboo Curtain Studio was researching and teaching about “Green” Environmentally and Physically Safe Printmaking Practices. I visited many printmaking studios throughout Taiwan to share experiences and research, teach workshops and give artist talks.