Phạm Nguyễn Anh Tú

Phạm Nguyễn Anh Tú是胡志明市新銳實驗視頻的藝術家。
他的作品側重於酷兒身份和幻想的主題,描繪了嬉戲的場景、遐想和自我內心的對話,最後以攝影、錄像的方式來轉換成電影的呈現。 Tú也會通過動畫拼貼和色度鍵接合成的組合產生像是模仿夢幻般的狀態和體驗。
Pham Nguyen AnhTú在胡志明市289e Bar開設獨立電影院“Đéo”,他曾與西貢SàiGònQueer等當地組織者以社區實驗的方式合作,以支持和連接新興和成熟的錄像作品。
他過去曾在倫敦大英博物館等機構展出過作品(作為酷兒亞洲電影節),而在雅典、希臘和西貢的恐怖電影系列作品也在胡志明市進行實驗及測試。2019年也因Dogma的支持,在奎因畫廊的展覽“ The”做作品呈現。
I filmed a short experimental video about my dream, my subconsciousness. It is an observation of thoughts and emotions.
I was able to learn more about my practice and explore the aesthetic that I want for my video. I also met so many interesting people and got a chance to connect with them. Also, see Taiwan for the first time, it was amazing to get to know the culture, the food and the people.
Being in a new place definitely affected my normal routine and the way I do things. There was a window near BCS with a lot of orange and red birds, and that one caught a lot of my attention so I decided to film it and put it in my short. And being there alone with myself most of the time, I had to confront my own thoughts and go deeper within my own self. That leads to me learning more about myself as well as the project I was doing.