BCS × Art Bus × Community
BCS invited artist CHOU Chien-Pang and his project, Art Bus—a traveling van with artists, artworks, and creative ideas as passengers—to join the local farmer’s market. The inside of the van served as an exhibition space, and the exterior a canvas for doodling and writing messages. CHOU’s stories and experiences traveling in Taiwan and other countries came into life via the presence and presentation of Art Bus.
Chou Chien-Pang
Chou attempts to examine the problems that a metropolitan lifestyle lead- heavy load of works, distance in our relationships. Therefore, He used his free time to teach children drawing and share his passion for art. He searches the possibilities in humanity and hopes people will reconnect with each other through art; so the multitude will not suffer from alienation!
Exchange residency: Bamboo Curtain Studio and Sàn Art (Vietnam)
Bamboo Curtain Studio and San Art have partnered up for another year in a residency exchange program. 2013 saw artist Lena Bui travel to Taiwan (read her story here); this year, San Art Laboratory welcomes artist Chou Chien-Pang from Taiwan in Ho Chi Minh City for a 4-week residency in July.