Art Trails: BCS as an Archaeological Site
Can you spot a row of chairs lining the roof ridge of BCS? What are they and why are they up there? One of the most important landmarks of Bamboo Curtain Studio is the line of chairs on the studio roof. Sitting on one of those elevated seats looking out to the Guanyin Mountain and Tamsui River, one could imagine him or herself on a journey faraway. The unique installation is artist WANG Te-Yu’s first outdoor piece titled “No. 30” from her “Come From Your Hometown“ series in 1998. “It is impossible to document the relationship between one and this space,” Wang stated about the piece, “Everything happens within a single moment. When it happened, it happened. Only the one in that moment knew what he or she encountered. The moment belongs to the individual alone. He or she would not know what it was like for the others. The encounter—visually, tactilely, and physically—became a personal experience. It would be a part of his or her own memory.”