駐村藝術家Shweta Bhattad | Bharat Mata In Taiwan | 竹圍工作室X小地方 行為DEMO night

時間:2013.9.21 周六 21:30-22:00之間
印度之母Bharat Mata,
Shweta Bhattad
竹圍工作室 2013駐村藝術家
多媒體裝置、行為藝術 | 印度
Meet Bharat Mata she is happy, she is fearless, she is safe...
She is free from unwanted touches, fearless of walking alone even at midnight on isolated roads...
She is happy not to be gazed like a zoo animal everytime...
Yes she can laugh, sing, dance, wear whatever she wants, go wherever she wish... She has no longer have to tie chastity belt around her groin...
And she loves to be like that... You can meet her here.. You can feel her freedom... She wants to show free in front of Seams.
This is my first visit out of India, when I come here I got opportunity to experience totally different culture, environment and most important is the freedom and safety of women here, which is the basic right of any human being on the earth, but my country still fighting for that... here I saw women walking safely and freely on roads and public places, but conditions in India are totally different from here... So it always made me surprise and in 28 years of my life I never experience such safety and fearless life... But from my childhood, or from childhood of any girl in India they are conditioned in that way that they never feel that they can stay in such way the women here do... So at starting I was not use to this freedom, it took a long time for me to accept that I am safe here, that if I walk lonely here on roads no one is chasing me, no one will rape me, I was always afraid to walk from MRT- BCS... Walking on Indian streets also at morning hours is very disturbing, with lots of male gaze, valgour comments and sometimes the unwanted touches, and women need to back home by evening so nights are not for women... So these all cultural differences made me think more about the miserable condition of women in my country as compaired to Taiwan...
So I decided to make "Bharat Mata in Taiwan" which means Mother India in Taiwan... So wearing tradational mother india clothes and at the same time wearing chastity belt on it, commenting that mother land india is not safe in India and have to wear chastity belt, and also that how difficult it was for her to beleive that she can be so safe somewhere in world.... when she came to Taiwan and feel freedom and safety here, she no longer needs the chastity belt, she is happy, she is safe and so i want to cut the chastity belt in different places having different backgrounds...
So I decided to make this performances here, and want to select the places that in other ways will not safe or made for women in India... and so I selected MRT, signal, beach and hot spring... This performance is very much important for me as when I am back to India I can share the women pride in Taiwan, which can inspire many women of my country to have better life and to think and reflect on their freedom and rights...