手_手市集 Out Door Party

☺1:1:1 手手市集X裝置藝術X電子派對☺
Flea Market X Installation Art X Electronic Out Door Party
⋯⋯ 以《美麗境界》名帶來新的感受與體驗,拋開吵雜焦慮的都市用你內心的呼喚,造就於這美麗的幻境與幻想空間,快來與我們在這展現新的派對市集模式,進入這道甜與自然呼吸新鮮空氣,在這半野外半都市的活動場地讓你了解一線之隔的思考。
"Beautiful World" brings you a new experience. We create a fantasy space that combines partying and creative marketing together, which allows you escape from the noisy and anxious city to hear the true calling of your heart.
There's just one step from the urban city to this unique little world. Come feel the fresh air and enjoy the hidden pure land with us.
☼VJ 放映時間:13:30-20:30 王駝
☼行動藝術表演者 : 陳考齋http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmP_5mfeNow
☼聲響系統:奧古斯馬 創意整合行銷
☺ Do not leave your litter (cigarette butts, jars, etc.). We provide garbage cans. Violator will be punished.
☺ Carrying any kind of narcotics is strictly forbidden; if found, we will turn you into the police.
☺ Any unruly action will result in removal from event.
☺ Event information is based on the announcement on facebook for lord. <https://www.facebook.com/events/172325416228555/>
☼Location:《Bamboo Curtain Studio》No.39, Ln. 88, Sec. 2, Zhongzheng E. Rd., Danshui Dist., New Taipei City 251, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
☼時間:2012/07/07 星期六 13:00-20:00
☼整天平價水酒販賣:1瓶啤酒50元 1瓶礦泉水30元
☼We sell cheap drinks all day long. (1 beer for $50. 1 bottle of water for $30)